Dylan, I think your talent with the many different assignments is very good. You have certainly impressed me and the other family members and friends that I have shown your work. Keep that imagination working! -- Grandma Airplane
- on December 13, 2014
Dylan, You really did a great job on this! I love boldness and the colors. Your picture can be used in any room in the house. -- Nana
- on November 8, 2014
Hai karate! Bruce would be proud of your worK! Boy, I sure am and encourage you to continue with the awesome talent. I will start a "wall" for your works.... -- Grandma (Janice)
- on November 4, 2014
Great job Dylan!! You had a fun time doing this on our trip to Seattle!
- on November 3, 2014
this is entirely amazing, Dylan! I really appreciate this piece...keep the artwork up..you are very talented! -- Grandma airplane