Abdulhadi7's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Abdulhadi7's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job Hadi ,those flowers like you, love you San.
-- Ahmed
- on October 25, 2016
You are so creative!
Can you tell me your elephant's name?
Can you tell me a story about him?
- Mary (teacher at Monroe S May Jr Elementary School) on February 18, 2016
You are so creative!
Can you tell me your elephant's name?
Can you tell me a story about him?
- Mary (teacher at Monroe S May Jr Elementary School) on February 18, 2016
- Mary (teacher at Monroe S May Jr Elementary School) on November 6, 2015
Thats awesome Hadi,You do agreat job san,go go go
-- ahmed
- on September 26, 2015
Good job!
- Mary (teacher at Monroe S May Jr Elementary School) on September 24, 2015