Thomas11933's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Thomas11933's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Thomas, I am so happy to be a member of your fan club. I love the Curious Creature in Clay--the colors are so marvelous and vibrant. Keep on doing what you're doing, I'm very proud of you. Love, Auntie Linda
-- Linda
- on May 1, 2015
Hi Thomas! Thank you for sharing your latest artwork. I think your Vacation Galaxy Postcard is extremely cool. It would be great to print it on a tee shirt or blow it up to poster size, because the colors are so vibrant. Great work! Love, Alex
-- Alex
- on April 29, 2015
I like this one, Thomas. There is a lot going on and the watercolor tells a story.
- on April 25, 2015
What an adorable creature, Thomas! It looks like he or she was drawn by a Warner Bros. animator.
-- Liane
- on March 13, 2015
I love this guy. He's evil, but cute -- very sneaky. I suppose that means we have to make some giant gingerbread men!
-- Paul
- on March 12, 2015
I love this, Thomas!
- on February 10, 2015
Hi Thomas, I'm on the most boring conference call with a client right now, and LOOK what showed up in my inbox. This is such a cool piece of art! I feel like it might start talking (or quacking) at any minute! Thank you for sharing this (and for making my workday less boring). Alex
-- Alex
- on February 10, 2015
I love all of these guys! Especially this duck. Nice work, Thomas.
- on November 19, 2014
Hi Thomas, I really like this artwork a lot. It reminds me of a poster from a famous Broadway show, called The Elephant Man. It used a quote from the play: "Sometimes I think my head is so big because it is so full of dreams." Looking forward to your next masterpiece!
-- Alex
- on November 19, 2014
Hi Thomas, Really like your picture! Is the body a tree? Love, Lisa
-- Lisa
- on October 28, 2014
Hi Thomas, I'm so glad that your dad signed me up for your Artsonia fan club. I really like the Curious Creatures you're working on - they are perfect for Halloween! Looking forward to seeing more of your art soon!
-- Alex
- on October 28, 2014