Yaaaaay.....a flying no shirt zone. Gee, I wonder who would like to be there? Love it! -- Gram
- on May 6, 2015
- on April 27, 2015
Max I love the cord you used on this guy!!! Very bright and fun loving. :)
- on April 8, 2015
Is this a new one, Maxie? I love it :)
- on April 6, 2015
I really love this one, Maxie - would love to hang this in my office if you are looking for a home for him! Dad
- on March 13, 2015
What a beautifully drawn and mysterious little guy you made here Max. Snotty nose and all. Keep on being "artsy". -- John
- on March 13, 2015
Max, you did it again! I love your colorful creature. He looks ready to make trouble and equipped to escape faster than any 2-legged human! Thanks-he's terrific. -- Gram
- on February 10, 2015
Awesome mask, Max! I love your choice of colors!! -- Mrs.Smith
- on February 10, 2015
This is my favorite so far! -- Ms.Wilder
- on November 24, 2014
Way to go, Max! You have such talent!! -- Mrs.Smith
- on November 21, 2014
Sweet stache, dude! -- Daddy
- on November 21, 2014
Octopig is quite the curious creature & wonderful but my favorite is the yellow/green shaking guy. Looking at him makes me want to grab a tissue & wipe my nose! Max, your images amaze me. I can't wait to see what you do next. -- Gram
- on November 18, 2014
Max - love the Octopig!! Can't wait to see more of your artwork. Love you! -- Grandma
- on November 18, 2014
I love it! Two heads are definitely better than one. -- Gram
- on October 27, 2014
I love it, buddy - I wan to see more! -- Dad
- on October 27, 2014
What a haunting two headed boy. Just in time for Halloween! Bravo Max! -- John
- on October 27, 2014
Nice Max! 2 heads are definitely better than 1! -- Uncle Dave
- on October 27, 2014
Max! What a cool drawing! I love the color and composition. This is a weird looking dud!! -- Grandma