Mackenzie7364's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Mackenzie7364's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Mackenzie I love your mask. I love the BIG teeth! Your friend, Ava
-- Ava
- on April 23, 2015
Great work Mack!!! Clearly looks like your creature could use braces down the road!! Love him. Nanny
-- Nanny
- on April 23, 2015
Mackie, The vibrant colors really attracted my eye! Nice work!
-- Jane
- on April 23, 2015
Ghostly Mostly is right up Nanny's alley. Excellent rendition of Chinese/Cayman art. The Louvre may be in your future.
-- Nanny
- on April 23, 2015
Love the four eyes-Ava
-- Ava
- on April 23, 2015
great job you are a great artist!!!!!!!!! - dad
- on October 28, 2014
hi - great work mack!
- on October 28, 2014