Connor11951's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Connor11951's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love your new artwork Connor. I ordered a mug and a t-shirt, so I can wear it and drink my coffee from my new mug
-- Felicia Grammy
- on March 9, 2016
Wow, this is really cool! I see all sorts of awesome things like letters, flags and .... sailboats? I love the blue and yellow colors on the right! Great job, Con!
-- Uncle B
- on March 9, 2016
Wow, that is a scary monster. That thing isn't going to eat me is it?! Great job, Connor! I can't wait to see more! ~Uncle B
-- Barrett
- on November 4, 2015
I love this! Cool monster, Connor! I really love the eyes and the teeth!
-- Mommy
- on October 29, 2015
Connor-I love this!!! I always look forward to seeing new artwork from you. I am so very proud of you. Love-Mommy
- on May 27, 2015
Wow, this is so cool! You're a great artist, and you should do more! Keep it up!
-- Uncle B
- on May 27, 2015
Amazing work! I love this because it's unique and it's making me wonder how you made it! Awesome!
-- Uncle B
- on April 30, 2015
I really like the color choice in the background and the line art is great. Excellent job!
-- Barrett
- on March 19, 2015
Wow, I love this piece! It reminds me of playing SimCity! Great job, Con!
-- Barrett
- on March 19, 2015
Connor, I love seeing all of your creative work! Keep it up :-) You are doin a fantastic job! I Love you, Mom
-- Nicole
- on March 18, 2015