Connor11939's Comments (44)

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Below are comments about Connor11939's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Connor, l really love this picture! Very patriotic! U did a spectacular job and u r such a great artist! Love you, Grandma????
- Grandma on September 17, 2020
OMG!! That is incredible art work!! I love that picture! Keep up the good work Connor! U r amazing????
- Grandma on September 17, 2020
Hi Connor! This picture is quite elegant. Viewing it transports me to a calm summer evening enjoying nature. This is quite a moving piece. Thank you!
- Carly on September 17, 2020
Hi Connor! I love this artistic work! It brought a smile to my face! Carly
- Carly on September 17, 2020
Connor, I love the kites in this picture. They are the quintessential springtime item. Seeing them makes me want to go fly some kites right now.
-- Carly
- on September 17, 2020
What's ya got growing there Connor. I see carrots, beets, lettuce , but I can't tell what the last thing in the row is. Did something dig down in the ground and try and eat it? I bet these are your favorite vegetables and you eat them everyday!!!!. love you grammy
-- grammy
- on September 17, 2020
This is great! Those bees look so real. How did you do that. When I get to your house I want to see all these pieces of artwork in person. You do a great job. love Grammy
-- Grammy
- on September 17, 2020
This is so cute Connor. Is it made of paper maiche or clay. When your Mon was in grade school she made several little clay dishes,all very colorful, and I still have them set out around the house . I love them. I bet your Mom really liked this pumpkin. Perfect for Fall decorations.
-- Grammy
- on September 17, 2020
I love it !The colors are brilliant and so typical of the fall. Goood job
-- Grammy
- on September 17, 2020
Connor, I am trying to catch up on all your creative artwork you have done over the last few months. This heart looks like a stained glass window, so precise and the colors standout so boldly. Very pretty. You do such nice work.
-- Grammy
- on September 17, 2020
Hi Connor , I love this piece of It certainly makes e yearn for warmer spring days and all the beautiful flowers that start blooming. Is the background water color? It is so pretty how all the shades blend. It also reminds me of flying kites on a breezy spring day. It is just lovely.
-- Grammy
- on September 17, 2020
Connor, I love this vegetable garden artwork. With spring around the corner, it makes me excited for delicious spring produce. Plus, it reinforces all the material I learned in school about the importance of high quality nutrition. Thank you for inspiring me through your work. Much Love!
-- Carly
- on September 17, 2020
I like these carrots a lot Connor. They remind me of the carrots I have been buying at the store. We are trying to eat a lot more vegetables so they are appropriate reminders for me!
-- Carly
- on September 17, 2020
Connor, I really liked the subject matter for this piece! Sunflowers are my favorite! Thank you for sharing.
-- Carly
- on December 5, 2018
I love these flowers. They make me think of the walk I just enjoyed with the boys. This is such a beautiful time of year:). What a perfect drawing.
-- Carly
- on June 13, 2018
Connor ~ I love your carrots! They remind me of school since I studying so much about nutrition. From the photo they look good enough to eat! Love you!
-- Carly
- on June 13, 2018
Connor , this creation is GREAT! It looks like a collage and the contrast is striking. I love what your art teacher is having you kids do. The subject matter is always so different. Love it, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on February 9, 2018
Connor, That bear looks pretty happy in that ice cold water but way too cold for me. Don't you think it would be fun to see some real polar bears? Maybe some time you will take a trip to the North Pole. Love, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on February 9, 2018
Connor! This picture is the appropriate theme for this time of year! I love the same smiling faces in the water? Are they fish? Hope you are well! Much Love Carly
-- Carly
- on February 9, 2018
Connor This whale picture is beautiful. I love how you combined the yellow with the blue. They play off each other well and help bring out the beauty of each! Much Love Carly
-- Carly
- on January 29, 2018
Connor ,I love this ! It can be scary or amazingly beautiful the connection between man and nature. You have captured a special image and the colors add to the beauty of the whole scene. I am so impressed with all you do. Love you , Grammy
-- Grammy
- on December 27, 2017
What a delicious piece of watermelon, Connor. You drew a realistic picture!
-- Carly
- on December 27, 2017
Wow Connor! That watermelon looks so yummy! Thanks for sharing.
-- Carly
- on October 18, 2017
Connor , is this you eating a piece of watermelon? It's great and made me laugh, the eyes and the fingers are so real does he have a ring on his 4th finger? I am looking forward to see what artwork you will be doing this year. So far it is going to be very entertaining. Love you
-- Grammy
- on October 18, 2017
Oh my goodness this is a beautiful butterfly. I love it so much..great job Connor!!!
-- Grandma
- on August 11, 2017
Hi Connor, grandma and Papaw love your Easter Bunny!! You did such a great job drawing this bunny. You r becoming such a talented artist and we r so proud of you!!! Love u and miss you!
-- Grandma
- on May 3, 2017
Connor this is a pretty colorful snake. I would be tempted to pick him up but I see the rattles at the end of his tale! I like how you made the leaves and branches. It looks so real. Good job.
-- Grammy
- on May 3, 2017
Spring time flowers are so nice! Thanks for brightening my day:)
-- Carly
- on March 8, 2017
Connor I have been so impressed with your art this year. These flowers at beautiful and they "pop" with color. I have saved all of your art and Marissa's too on a file in my computer. I really miss you, you must be getting so big. Love grammy
-- Grammy
- on March 8, 2017
Connor I enjoy seeing all your artwork. It is always so colorful and very expressive. Keep up the good work. Love you, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on March 8, 2017
Connor you may have had a comment on this exceptional piece of artwork but for some reason it did not get to you according to Artsonia. At first I thought it was a magnificant castle in a small village . But then I read that it is the tower of Pissa. Ask your Mom if she saw it when she was in Italy. I actually did when I was in Italy while I was going to college. Maybe some day you will be lucky enough to see it in person. Very good job.
-- Grammy
- on March 8, 2017
Connor! I love that heart image. The colors are just amazing. Looking at this piece give me energy and brings a smile to my face.
-- Carly
- on March 8, 2017
Connor, This one reminds me of spring. What a lovely thought with all the rain we've been having!
-- Carly
- on February 8, 2017
Hi King Connor , your crown is really perfect and fits so well but where are all your curls? Did you get a haircut before you did your self portrait? You are a serious King in this painting but I know how much fun you really like to have. I hope your appetite is getting more varied so your neck will grow and be able to hold up your head. I really love this portrait and like your favorite color on your t-shirt. Love Grammy
-- Grammy
- on January 18, 2017
What darling little birds!
-- Carly
- on January 18, 2017
Wow! Both you and your sister are making great representations of one of my favorite artist, Van Gogh! I love it.
-- Carly
- on January 18, 2017
Maybe this is newspaper Kitty. Love it They sure keep you busy in ARt
-- Grammy
- on November 3, 2016
Is this the newspaper dog. I think I have seen him somewhere before. Great job . I want a dog.Maybe soon. Love you
-- Grammy
- on November 3, 2016
Connor this is beautiful!! Your Mom needs to frame both yours and Marissa's Water Lily creations and put them on the wall so everyone can see them. You are doing a great job. Tomorrow I am going to be working on an art project and I hope you like it when you see it at Thanksgiving. Love Grammy. Do you get to go to Marissa's Birthday Party tomorrow? Or are boys allowed?
-- Grammy
- on November 3, 2016
Connor, I love your dog! He has the most intriguing expression!
-- Carly
- on November 3, 2016
Connor , who helps you draw such beautiful pictures. The ocean looks so perfect. You are doing a great job. keep up the good work
-- Grammy
- on October 2, 2016
Connor I just love your cow. he looks like he is saying, "Can I be your friend ?" he just looks perfect and the colors are so bright. I also know you will soon be building a better catapulter. I love you.
-- Grammy
- on October 2, 2016
Hello Connor I love your art work! You choose such bright colors for your pieces. Looking at them really energizes me! Thank you so sharing
-- Carly
- on September 23, 2016
Connor, your drawing of a sailboat is absolutely fantastic!!!! You are a great artist!! Love Grandma???? xxxxoooooxxxxx
-- Grandma
- on September 23, 2016