as usual great sense of color, balance and imagination. I am so proud
- on March 28, 2008
I think you are fantastic in color, imagination and style. I do not know which of your works are my favorite as I love them all.
- on March 28, 2008
Great use of color and variety of splash and lines. Mom
- on February 1, 2008
i love your wok
- on December 2, 2007
I love my art.Ithink its cool. ------from, Me
- on June 19, 2006
Thomas, this is so very good. I am just so amazed at the talent of you and your brothers. I love every single piece of art work that you have done.
- on June 19, 2006
Hi, Thomas, just viewed your artwork, pretty cool! Thanks for sending it to me. Very impressed!! I will save it to show to Grandpa Chuck. Keep up the good work. Love ya! Grandma Joyce
- on May 8, 2006
Great job Thomas. Love all the vibrant colors. Love-Mom
- on May 2, 2006
hey buddy, your rtwork is amazing, and I can't beleive you got all three throphies
- on April 17, 2006
Thomas, We love the bright colors used in your still life. We are very proud of all of the artwork you create. -- from Love-Mom and Dad
- on May 19, 2005
I am very happy about my artwork. I think it is cool. -- from me
- on May 19, 2005
I love my art work.I think it is cool. -- from Thomas Shiah
- on January 9, 2005
Delightful and cheerful. Colors and balance great. The pencil looks real. -- from Mima
- on December 22, 2004
That's cool Thomas! I love the bright colors!!! -- from Aunt Sharyn
- on December 22, 2004
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia! -- from Artsonia
- on December 22, 2004
Thomas good job! I feel so honored that you designed your plate around the first letter of your favorite uncle's first name! -- from Uncle Todd
- on January 16, 2004
Hi Thomas, I love your artwork. Especially the big T in the middle. -- from Cassie
- on January 14, 2004
Good Job Thomas! Are you gonna eat dinner off of that plate??? -- from Aunt Sharyn
- on January 14, 2004
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia! -- from Artsonia
- on January 14, 2004
Hi, wonderful! from Ben, you know Ben, John's friend. -- from Ben
- on November 12, 2003
Good work Thomas! Your artwork is really cool! -- from Aunt Sharyn
- on November 11, 2003
thomas i love your stary night.the colors look great.i can't wait to see your next piece. -- from andrew
- on November 2, 2003
Thomas, Great job buddy! I'll see you tomorrow! -- from Uncle Steven
- on November 2, 2003
Thomas u rul -- from john
- on October 30, 2003
Thomas I am very proud of your work -- from Daddy
- on October 29, 2003
thomas yor werc is cool from corey -- from corey
- on October 29, 2003
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia! -- from Artsonia