Jackson, this is Beautiful! Love the colors and the name Dancing Leaves. Great job!! Love You Grammy and Larrypop. -- Grammy And Larrypop
- on January 30, 2016
Jackson we love your art work! Especially the flower garden and the stick man! You are quite the artist! -- Poppy And Grandma
- on May 14, 2015
Jackson...I love your painting... Keep up the good work. -- Aunt Di
- on March 13, 2015
Great Job!!!! Jackson... Grammy And Larrypop Love your art work!! We are very proud of you! Keep up the good work. -- Grammy And Larrypop
- on March 13, 2015
Jackson - Mommy and Daddy love your artwork. The stickman enters the art room is a great title. Your art room looks very colorful and decorative. We are very proud of you.