Are those legless turkeys? Lol. Very Cool!! -- John
- on February 7, 2018
Sadie, this is a wonderful piece of art. I love it, and it now hangs on my fridge, so I can look at it everyday!!! Great job!!!!
- on May 29, 2015
I love rainbows and suns!!! Beautiful job!!!!
- on April 2, 2015
Sadie, I look at these everyday in my car.....and I think of all the beautiful things you make!!!!
- on April 2, 2015
That is a wonderful hat!!! I like it very much!!!!
- on April 2, 2015
What a beautiful rainbow Sadie!!! Great job!!!!
- on February 28, 2015
Sadie, you art work is all beautiful. Its too hard too pick just one. This is my favorite one so it gets the smiley for all. :) great job!!!!!!!!! -- Aunt Dana