Ethan21008's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Ethan21008's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Your monster looks scary! :) Very good job Ethan! Love, Mommy
- on May 26, 2015
Love your rainbow collage Ethan!
- on May 26, 2015
Very nice Ethan. Daddy loves it.
-- Charles
- on May 26, 2015
Nice work Ethan. I love you.
-- Dad
- on May 26, 2015
I'm really enjoying Ethan's artwork on the keyring that I purchased I have recieved so many compliments It"s wonderful that he has an art class and that it's available for family and friends to purchase.
-- Sonia
- on March 25, 2015
Very creative
-- Gen
- on January 1, 2015
You really worked hard on this one. All the colors look very good together! I love it! Love, Mom
- on December 17, 2014
Nice job Ethan. I love it!!
-- Charles
- on November 26, 2014
Great artwork Ethan! Mommy loves it!
- on October 29, 2014