Lily6954's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Lily6954's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Lily, your picture is wonderful! Such detail! lov, grammy
-- Grammy
- on December 10, 2014
Lily, you did a really good job of shading the veins in this pumpkin. It looks like it might have slipped out of the hands of someone carrying an armful of pumpkins from the garden to the basement. I bet they were going to make jack-o-lanterns out of them. Now someone is short a pumpkin and is trying to carve their jack-o-lantern out of a marshmallow. It'll never work. So sad.
-- Nanny
- on October 24, 2014
Lily, I bet it took you a great deal of time and effort to make this pumpkin seem so realistic! Great piece!
- on October 23, 2014
Lily, your pumpkin suddenly seems so sad now that I know it's in a dark basement! You captured the low tones of the surroundings and created contrasts by illuminating your pumpkin and adding a very dark shadow. Well done!
- Ms. (teacher at Shore Country Day School) on October 22, 2014
Beautiful piece of work!
- on October 16, 2014