Olivia20127's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Olivia20127's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Dear Olivia, We love your block print. It is beautiful! XO Love, Mom & Dad
- on April 22, 2015
Dear Olivia, We love Barb!! XO Mom and Dad
-- Carol
- on March 13, 2015
Dear Olivia, We love your drawing! It is very abstract and creative. Love, Mom and Dad
- on November 19, 2014
Hi Oliovia I love your charcoal drawings, they are brill. Love Dad
-- Dad
- on October 23, 2014
Dear Olivia, I love your drawing! Ms. Cajolet showed it to my last week and it is awesome. The pumpkin is very 3 dimensional and I love the tree with the falling leaves. Love, Mom
- on October 21, 2014
Hey Olivia, I like your drawing of the whimsical leaf. It looks really cool. I like the way the leaf looks like it's just fallen from the ground. Paulina????
-- Paulina
- on October 7, 2014
Dear Olivia, Your charcoal drawing is beautiful!! Love, Mom & Dad
-- Carol
- on October 6, 2014