William15182's Comments (16)

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Below are comments about William15182's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love how you made this picture look like it was actually drawn in a cave and it looks old. You have a great eye for art.
-- Cousin Stephanie
- on February 17, 2017
William, you are doing an amazing job. I love how you pay attention to detail and color. Keep up the good work!
-- Cousin Stephanie
- on February 17, 2017
William, you are doing such an amazing job with your art projects. I always enjoy the colors you choose and all the detail and effort you put into each piece. Keep up the good work! You did a great weaving job.
-- Cousin Stephanie
- on March 1, 2016
Hey William, nice work.
-- Aunt Janet
- on March 1, 2016
William the colors you put together are outstanding. You did a beautiful job!
-- Aunt Dawn
- on March 1, 2016
Wow, awesome job my son. You have shown your talent in all of your artwork and yet again you managed another masterpiece. I love this piece as well as all your other artwork pieces. I am so very proud of you William. Mommy is very lucky to have a son that is as talented as you are : ) ox Love you, Mommy
-- Madeline (Mommy)
- on January 11, 2016
William, You are an amazing artist! I love your use of color! I can't wait for your next masterpiece!
-- Cousin Stephanie
- on January 11, 2016
William great job on your spider. He is scary and interesting to look at. I like the way you put him in the center and used lots of colors and shapes all around him, it's dynamic and creative.
-- Aunt Janet
- on January 11, 2016
William you do beautiful art work. Grandpa and I are very proud of you. Grandma
-- John
- on January 11, 2016
Love all the details in your worm.
-- Cousin Stephanie
- on February 18, 2015
I love the colors you used for the sky and the spirals in it. Your stars are beautiful with the moon. Keep up the good work!
-- Cousin Stephanie
- on February 18, 2015
William, your tree is a beautiful expression of who you are. It is beautiful and strong. I love all the details that you have taken the time to place into it. Keep up the good work!
-- Cousin Stephanie
- on February 18, 2015
Amazing, love all the different shapes in your "Tree of life" Hearts, stars, triangles and lots more which is what's real in life. Keep up the good work
-- Aunt Janet
- on February 4, 2015
William, using all the colors in a way to show the evening sky lit up with stars is amazing. I like the way you made the building dark with lit up windows. excellent!!!!!
-- Aunt Janet
- on January 6, 2015
William, your art work is amazing. I love how your expressing happiness, not only with a smiling face but also with your choice of beautiful bright colors and patterns. I look forward to seeing more of your work.
-- Aunt Janet
- on January 6, 2015
To my son William, mommy is so very proud of you for the hard work that you put into your artwork, along with all the other things that you do. I love your artwork and I love you for all that you are. oxox
- on December 13, 2014