Joseph17733's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Joseph17733's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job very mod!
-- Kathy
- on June 12, 2015
Joseph, I am impressed that you show the shadow of this ice cream cone. You are really learning how to do this. You did a very good job.
-- Aunt Pat
- on April 22, 2015
Great job joe, I really like the shadow, looks 3d.
-- Kathy
- on April 10, 2015
I like the details you have included like the smokestacks, the radar, the anchor and the propeller. You did a very nice job.
-- Pat
- on January 21, 2015
Great job joe..
-- Kathy
- on January 21, 2015
Joseph, I really like this. You have an interesting combination of designs and colors.
-- Aunt Pat
- on December 24, 2014
Wow joe, the first thing I thought of is a quilt even before I saw it was a picture of cloth. You did a very good job.
-- Kathy
- on December 23, 2014
I think that your picture is vary awesome keep up the good work awesome man!!!!!
-- Elijah
- on December 18, 2014