Really beautifully work very hard to draw great looking pictures! -- Papa
- on June 30, 2015
What a creative sun. Bueno!! -- Nana
- on June 16, 2015
Kiran, I love how you've learned to create depth in your artwork. Beautiful drawing! -- Mommy
- on May 31, 2015
I have enjoyed seeing all your art work. You really do a great job! -- Aunt Janie
- on December 21, 2014
Kiran, I really love this picture of the African doll. It is so colorful and the bottom border looks like flags to me. Great work.. Also really like the clouds! -- Nana
- on December 21, 2014
Kiran, What a happy and loving snow girl. I think it is a girl because of the pink buttons and lavender scarf! -- NANA
- on December 16, 2014
Playful and energetic - just like Priya -- NANA
- on December 14, 2014
Kiran, I love your giant trees and snowflakes. I'm sure the soldier receiving this will love it too! -- Nana
- on December 16, 2014
Kiran, I love your picture and I know the soldier receiving your card will be so happy to have it. I'm proud of you! Love, Mommy
- on December 13, 2014
Kiran...your drawing is beautiful. I love it very much! papa. -- papa