Such a great job. Keep up the good work! LOVE. Nana and Papa -- Arlene
- on July 26, 2017
You are a great artist, keep up the good work. I am very proud of you. I love you. Papa , -- Russ (Papa)
- on April 26, 2017
Great job Sophie! It looks really cool! -- Rusty
- on April 26, 2017
Another great picture. Keep up the good work Sophia. -- Russ (Papa)
- on January 31, 2017
Wow! This is a great picture. Very proud of you. -- Russ (Papa)
- on January 31, 2017
Makes me want to go over to Sweet Frogs for a dish of ice cream. Good job again. -- Russ (Papa)
- on January 31, 2017
So this is what your name would look like if you lived in China. It looks better in english. -- Russ (Papa)
- on January 31, 2017
You are a wonderful artist, Sophie! Papa and I are very proud of you. -- Arlene
- on January 31, 2017
I'm not sure that I know what this is... But it sure looks cool. This art work looks like something you might see hanging in an art gallery created by some famous Artist. I think you might be on your way to join the famous artist one day! -- Much love, Grandma
- on January 31, 2017
Great job! The birds look like the beautiful Cardinals that we see at our bird feeder quite frequently. The snow really makes me think of winter. Your painting put a big smile on my face! -- Much love, Grandma
- on January 31, 2017
A lot of artistic talent went into this one! Very good. -- Love Grandma
- on January 31, 2017
Lovely colors -- looks beautiful to me. -- Love Grandma
- on January 31, 2017
I'll bet you had fun creating this character. He sure is cute. I love seeing your art work! -- Grandma
- on January 31, 2017
Wow, another great picture and great use of colors. Keep up the great work. -- Russ (Papa)
- on January 31, 2017
Great art work again. Keep up the great work. Love you -- Russ (Papa)
- on January 31, 2017
Love this artwork! Papa and I believe u are great with colors and detail. -- Arlene
- on December 14, 2016
MY goodness! You have done it again. Your a great artist; and Nana is very proud. Love. Nana -- Arlene
- on June 9, 2016
Hi Sophie, I really like the cat . You did a great job. Keep up the good work. -- Jim
- on February 7, 2016
Sophia, what a beautiful picture. I am so proud of you. Love Papa -- Russ (Papa)
- on January 16, 2016
Sophia, your tiger is so cute. Nana is thinking about getting another cup with your tiger. -- Arlene
- on January 16, 2016
We really enjoy seeing your artistic talent Sophie. You must have a very good teacher too. -- Grandma
- on November 4, 2015
Sophie,I love your new picture. Great job. I look forward to seeing more. -- Granddaddy
- on November 4, 2015
Wow, you are off to a great start with your first grade art, keep it going. Papa loves it. -- Papa (Russ)
- on October 15, 2015
Sophia, another wonderful picture. You are quite a artist. Papa loves your picture. -- Russ (Papa)
- on May 11, 2015
Sophia, Nana would like to eat an ice cream cone that looks like this one. Great job!!!! Love, Nana -- Arlene
- on May 11, 2015
Love the Flag. I am going to order a print for my office! -- Grandma
- on April 25, 2015
WOW, another wonderful picture by Sophia. I love it. -- Russ (Papa)
- on April 25, 2015
Sophia love your fishes picture. Good job!! love, Nana -- Arlene
- on April 25, 2015
WOW, another wonderful picture from you. I love it. -- Russ (Papa)
- on April 25, 2015
WOW!!!! WHAT A GREAT PICTURE. -- Arlene (Nana)
- on March 25, 2015
You did a great job. I love it. Keep up the good work. Love Papa -- Russ
- on March 14, 2015
Sophie,I love your pictures. Great job. -- Jim (Grandaddy)
- on February 19, 2015
Sophia, Your art work brought a big smile to my face and made me very proud of you. Love, Grandma -- Bea
- on February 12, 2015
Sophie,I love your pictures. Great job. -- Jim (Grandaddy)
- on February 9, 2015
Sophie, you are a wonderful artist. Love, Nana -- Nana
- on February 9, 2015
Wow you did another wonderful picture. Love it. -- Russ (Papa)
- on February 8, 2015
Sophie, Nana loves this picture of a polar bear. Please do a picture for me on your new easel. Love, Nana -- Arlene
- on February 8, 2015
Sophia you did a Super on this picture. -- Papa (Russ)