Dearest Caroline, this picture is truly wonderful! I knew right away who you drew! You are very talented so I’m glad you enjoy art so much. I love you and I’m very proud of the progress you’ve made! Keep drawing! Love, Grandma
- Jayne on October 16, 2019
Caroline, you are a wonderful artist! I love the things you make at school and here with me! Keep up the good work! Love you, grandma -- Grandma
- on March 25, 2015
Caroline, this could be one of my favorites! I love it! Now I have to decide between this or the heart picture! Maybe Grandpa will let me get both? Love you! Grandma -- Jayne
- on March 25, 2015
Wow! This is so great! You are MY sunshine! I love you and all of your artwork! -- Grandma
- on February 20, 2015
Cara, I love your fish! It makes me happy to look at it and I love the colors you used! You also did a great job of staying in the lines. Great job! Love, Grandma -- Jayne
- on February 18, 2015
Dear Caroline, I am so proud of all of your artwork! I have so much fun coloring and drawing with you! You are becoming quite a good artist! Keep having fun in art class, and listen to everything your teacher teaches you. You can teach me when we are together! Love you, -- Grandma