Ariana3219's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Ariana3219's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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We really like your piece of art. My daughter identify that her cousin did the piece of unique art that is on the fridge :) Keep the creative and artistic mind working, embrace it and it will give you a tool to change the scenery that is front of you. Even when you do not like it.
-- Ileanna Lopez
- on December 13, 2014
Loveee it!!!! Awesome work!!
-- Natalia
- on December 13, 2014
Juan (your uncle) bought one of your creation, looking forward to receive it at show it to everyone. I am so proud of the niece that God give us :) keep the good work, love you a lot!!
-- Ileanna
- on December 13, 2014
Excellent job!
-- Uncle Juan
- on December 13, 2014