Alyssa, I love your first print making job. The green stands out on your initials. This would be great on a T-shirt. I like the last one that is printed backwards. Looking forward to seeing your next project. Love, Uncle Dave
- Uncle Dave on June 23, 2021
Alyssa, for your first time doing printmaking, you did a wonderful job. It also looks like you had fun doing it. PePa wants to know why the last print is different from the others? You certainly used your favorite color for the prints. We have thoroughly enjoyed viewing all your drawings. Keep up the great work. Love you lots xoxo MeMa& PePa
- MeMa & PePa on June 16, 2021
Wow Alyssa! When I look at this picture, it reminds me of driving to the shore on Route 539 when you approach a long fence and look at a field with horses. It also reminds me of being at the lake and watching the sunset. I love how you wrote about the detail you put into the fence. I'd like to frame this picture and put it on my wall. As always, I can't wait to see what's next. Keep on drawing! Love, Uncle Dave
- Uncle Dave on February 11, 2021
Wow Alyssa! This is such a cool picture. It is a great visual of a lollipop laying in snow. It looks so real. Keep on drawing. Love, Uncle Dave
- Uncle Dave on February 5, 2021
As we look at your picture, Alyssa, it reminds us of the beach. The dark blue is a waterfall, with the light blue the runoff from the falls, and the dark and light orange represents the sand, which looks as though it was just manacured. You can tell that we are looking forward to the warm weather and the shore. It is nice to see your drawings again. Your art work continues to be nicely done. Keep up the fantastic job. Love you lots xoxo MeMa & PePa
- MeMa & PePa on February 5, 2021
Alyssa, what a wonderful way to end your art school year by honoring your dad and his favorite drink YOO HOO. PePa and myself have thoroughly enjoyed observing and commenting on all your work. Continue with your art ability. Have a great summer. Keep safe and stay well. We will see you at the shore and at the pool. Love you lots xoxo MeMa & PePa
- Mema & Pepa on July 1, 2020
Alyssa, your leaf prints came out so well. This looks like so much fun to make. The colors turned out so well, especially the blue leaf in the middle of the picture. You can make a fall leaf picture in October. Love, Uncle Dave
- Uncle Dave on July 1, 2020
Alyssa, this picture looks exactly like Nemo and Dory. the coloring is excellent. This picture definitely will make anyone who looks at it very happy. Love, Uncle Dave
- Uncle Dave on July 1, 2020
Alyssa, this can be your current events drawing. It was so neat to watch on tv, and I'm sure the astronauts are seeing the same view of your picture. I love the drawing of the earth. Keep on drawing. Love, Uncle Dave
- Uncle Dave on July 1, 2020
Wow Alyssa! I love the Yahoo cap! It looks just like the real one. Your patience paid off on this one. Now I want to go drink one. Another incredible picture.
- Uncle Dave on July 1, 2020
I love how you put your name and surrounded it in black. It looks so professional. That would make a great T-shirt Love, Uncle Dave
- Uncle Dave on June 10, 2020
Wow Alyssa! I love the picture of Snoopy and Woodstock. It looks like I’m about to watch a Charlie Brown episode. It’s incredible how the leaves look so real. All the detail you put into it really helped to make it look so real. Keep on drawing! Love Uncle Dave
- Uncle Dave on June 10, 2020
We loved the contemporary look to this drawing, Alyssa. MeMa, being a retired teacher always liked when her students used the entire paper for a drawing. The different colors also added to the beauty of the picture. You will have to tell us about the use of the rolling pin. As we have continued to say all the time, Alyssa, you have definitely shown an interest in art. Wonderful job done. Love you lots xoxo
- Mema & Pepa on June 10, 2020
Nemo and Dory are exactly what you said they were: HAPPY. They seem to be enjoying each others company. They being happy makes us happy. This is a nice way to show happiness by having two friends have fun with each other. MeMa & PePa have enjoyed all your different topics you have drawn. Love you lots xoxo
- Mema & Pepa on June 10, 2020
Alyssa, this art drawing is extremely appropriate at this time, being that we just landed two astronauts safely on the moon. It is very nicely and neatly done, looking so very real. We like the way you used a dark color in the background to bring out the rest of the picture. Continue the wonderful work you have shown us. Love you lots xoxo
- Mema & Pepa on June 10, 2020
What an adorable drawing, Alyssa. The characters are so cute and cuddly and the leaves so gentle looking and colorful. We can see why Fall is so special to you. Just looking at the picture gives both MeMa and PePa a happy feeling. Continue doing a great job in Art. Love you lots xoxo
- Mema & Pepa on June 5, 2020
Alyssa-I love the abstract circles. Great choice of colors. Try drawing something like that on your driveway. You can use a bucket to draw circles and draw a design like this. Another incredible drawing. Love, Uncle Dave
- Uncle Dave on May 25, 2020
Wow! What a great hot air balloon. I love the colors on the balloon and how it stands out with the sky and clouds. I feel like I’m looking outside the window. It is definitely a happy picture. Hopefully we’ll see one fly over our houses this summer. Keep on drawing great pictures. Love, Uncle Dave
- Uncle Dave on May 25, 2020
What a beautiful picture, Alyssa. The colors you used were very striking, so much so that the drawing wants you to take a hot air balloon trip. PePa liked the clouds the best. Wouldn't it be fun to have the clouds so close that you could reach out and touch them. It seems as though you enjoyed working on this art project. Continue your super art work. We have enjoyed all the different topics you have chosen for your art pieces. Love you lots, MeMa & PePa xoxo
- Mema & Pepa on May 19, 2020
Alyssa, you are certainly busy with all these drawings. This one gave us a little trouble interpreting what it was all about. Unfortunately there is not much to view or comment about. We did, though, see part of a football seam underneath the word ART. The shapes, also, were a little difficult to read. It seems that you did enjoy working on this picture, according to your artist statement. Keep up the super work. We love you lots,xoxo
- Mema & Pepa on May 13, 2020
Wow Alyssa! This drawing is so cool. I love the different colors you selected for each letter. The bright colors make it stand out. A great piece of art once again. Keep on drawing Lovey Uncle Dave
- Uncle Dave on May 13, 2020
What a surprise, Alyssa, to see another black and white drawing. It only took PePa and myself very little time to interpret this drawing as a large portion of the crown on The Statue of Liberty, which is a beautiful sight. How you were able to bring together all the different shapes to form a wonderful picture like you did is remarkable. Keep up the great work, as you enter a new school. Love you lots xoxo MeMa & PePa
- Mema & Pepa on May 9, 2020
WOW, Alyssa, what a fantastic drawing!! We are glad you kept your focus while working on this art project because it is absolutely beautiful . It shows that you put a lot of time, patience and hard work into the drawing. PePa and myself interpreted the drawing two different ways ---- either a box full of colored yarn, getting ready to knit or a box of colorful corona virus masks, which would be very beneficial at this time. Continue your super work, and as we have said many times, we have an artist in the family. Love you lots, MeMa & PePa xoxo
- Mema & Pepa on May 5, 2020
Another great drawing. I feel like I’m in church. This picture will make me think of you playing the bells. I can hear you playing now. Keep drawing!! Love, Uncle Dave
- Uncle Dave on May 5, 2020
Wow Alyssa! Your focus and making sure you used the right color paid off. What a great drawing. How long did it take to create the entire picture? It’s amazing how you used each different color in the proper positioning of each piece you made. I always look forward to see what you do next. Love, Uncle Dave
- Uncle Dave on May 5, 2020
What a nice picture to have at this time of year, Alyssa. It reminds us of a beautiful stained glass window, in a church with colors that are appropriate for Easter Sunday service.Keep up the great work you are doing in art class.. We continue saying that we have an artist in the family. Love you lots.xoxo
- Mema & Pepa on April 9, 2020
Wow, Alyssa, what a great drawing. PePa and I had fun finding different pictures in the drawing. I found soda can tabs in the upper left hand corner, a snowman with a scarf, 5 large diamond rings in the middle of the drawing and to the left side of the drawing, there were pies being baked. PePa, on the other hand saw 3 eyes looking at a checker board with checkers, a cell phone with a handle, and the best one is a keyboard on the bottom of the picture. What a wonderful drawing. We think we have an artist in the family. Keep up the super job you are doing. It is amazing to see how much you enjoy art. Love you a whole bunch.xoxo MeMa & PePa
- Mema & Pepa on April 4, 2020
Wow Alyssa! Your time and patience paid off. What a neat picture. How long did it take to do? I love the circles and all the different markings. It could be a great t shirt or mug. I love it! Love, Uncle Dave
- Uncle Dave on April 4, 2020
Alyssa, you are right with your interpretation of the ocean bubbles. We also see the drawing as gum balls in a gum ball machine. You have been busy in art class with all the drawings you have displayed. Our favorite still is the triangles. Continue doing excellent drawings. -- Mema & Pepa
- on April 3, 2019
Alyssa, you were right with your interpretation of ocean bubbles. We also see this as gum balls in a gum ball machine. With all these drawings, you have been kept busy in art class. Our favorite still is the triangles. Continue doing an excellent job with all your drawings. We never know what your art work will be next time. Love you lots, MeMa & PePa xoxo -- Mema & Pepa
- on April 3, 2019
My, oh my, oh my what a beautiful, beautiful drawing, Alyssa. This is what myself & PePa would call contemporary art. It also reminds us of a stained glass window you would see in church. We can see that you enjoyed working on this project because we would like to have an art class like this one too.You have certainly come a long, long way in your drawings. We can say that we have an artist in the family. Keep up the fantastic work and continue having fun . Love you lots, MeMa & PePa xoxo -- MeMa& PePa
- on April 3, 2019
Wow! What a great looking Easter Rabbit. I can't wait until the day comes. I love your drawing of the rabbit and the egg. I love your description and what you used to make it. Keep drawing great pictures. Love, Uncle Dave -- Uncle Dave
- on March 13, 2019
Wow!! is the first word I said when seeing your work for the first time. The pink color is what attracts you to the drawing. Alyssa, it looks like you really enjoyed working on this piece of art work. We also like your comments about your own work. We especially like the way the rabbit is having a difficult time carrying this big Easter egg.Looking at this drawing, we can't wait for Easter. You did a fantastic job drawing all different eggs. We couldn't find any 2 a like. Keep up the super work We love you lots, MeMa & PePa xoxo -- Mema & Pepa
- on March 13, 2019
Alyssa, I love the sunset because it reminds me of when we were at L.B.I and watched the sunrise.It looks just like it.Love, Ashley -- Karen
- on January 30, 2019
What a unique and adorable drawing, Alyssa. It looks to us that the snowmen are having a blast on the merry-go-round, so much so that the one snowman lost its hat. We are also getting a little dizzy watching them. When we see you next time, you will have to explain the meaning of the "purple paint project". Continue the great work and unique drawings. Each time you are surprising us with your art work. Love you lots, MeMa & PePa -- MeMa & PePa
- on January 30, 2019
Hey Alyssa This great picture reminds me of sitting on the porch at the lake with you and Ashley. Great sunset -- Uncle Dave
- on January 30, 2019
Alyssa Another great piece of Art Work by you. Keep on drawing. Love, Uncle Dave -- Uncle Dave
- on January 30, 2019
Hey Alyssa I love the snowmen. What a great picture. I can't wait for it to snow, then you can make a snowman outside. Love, Uncle Dave -- Uncle Dave
- on January 30, 2019
What a nice soothing drawing, Alyssa.It looks like it was a beautiful day except for the storm clouds at the upper part of your drawing. Could this be a picture of LBI? It won't be too long before we can all be a part of a wonderful sunset. It is nice to see you continue your exceptional work in art. Very proud of you. Love you lots. MeMa & PePa -- MeMa & PePa
- on January 30, 2019
Wow! What a colorful spider web. I love how you keep all the lines connecting, and the colors make it bright. I can't wait to see what your next drawing will be. Keep make exciting designs. -- Uncle Dave
- on April 16, 2018
What an interesting piece of work, Alyssa. The web looks like it is ready to capture a spider.We would like all the webs looking like the one you did in art class. We love the color combination you chose and the way the web looks so real, the optical illusion effect. Keep up the great work you are doing . We believe we have an artist in the family. Love you lots, MeMa & PePa xoxo -- Mema & Pepa
- on April 10, 2018
Wow, that is a great drawing and such good detail! I guess you could say it is "bee"utiful. -- Ed & Darlene
- on February 7, 2018
Wow! I love the honey bee Alyssa. It looks so real. The wings are designed perfectly. Can't wait to see whats next. Love Uncle Dave -- Uncle Dave
- on January 31, 2018
What a beautiful drawing, Alyssa, very defined lines. You drew the bee as though it was dancing right out of the paper. Now you have a partner to dance with.You have made such a remarkable improvement with each drawing.You should be very proud of all your art work. We love you lots MeMa & PePa xoxo -- MeMa & PePa
- on January 25, 2018
Oh, my goodness, Alyssa, what a fantastic drawing. You should win a prize for it . You will have to tell us how you drew everything. It is amazing how real everything looks. You should be very proud of your work. Love you lots, MeMa & PePa -- MeMa & PePa
- on November 2, 2017
Alyssa, we love this picture. It really looks like you are at the bottom of the ocean looking up. Keep up the great work! Love Mom & Dad -- Karen
- on November 1, 2017
Wow! I love all of the colors! Another great piece of work! So proud of you, Alyssa! Continue to be the great artist you are! -- Love, John and Wendy
- on October 22, 2017
WOW!!! What a colorful drawing.When we looked at the picture, the left side looked like a clown's hat and the right side looked like a deer's head. You have certainly begun the year with a fantastic drawing. How did you come up with all the color combinations? Keep up the wonderful work We love you. MeMa & PePa -- MeMa & PePa
- on October 22, 2017
Wow Alyssa I love all the different colors. The eyes look so real. Keep drawing great art work. Love Uncle Dave -- Uncle Dave
- on October 22, 2017
Wow! What a great way to start off the year! We are looking forward to seeing what you will do next. Love the colors. Love ?? Mom & Dad -- Karen
- on October 9, 2017
I love the owl Alyssa. The big eyes, nose and feet make it look so real.It is so fun to look at all your drawings. Keep drawing great art. Love Uncle Dave -- Uncle Dave
- on April 25, 2017
Wow! That is a great owl! It's so evident that you love art! Keep up the great work you do! We are always so proud of you! We love you lots! Love, Uncle John and Aunt Wendy -- Uncle John And Aunt Wendy
- on April 19, 2017
Wow! what a great drawing, Alyssa. It looks like you had to follow quite a few steps in order to finish your picture. We especially like the eyes, which is the dominate factor of an owl. It looks like it is staring right at us. We also like the way you used the entire space on the paper. Continue doing fantastic jobs in art. You should be very proud of yourself and the work you have done. We love you a whole bunch. MeMa & PePa xoxo -- Mema & Pepa
- on April 12, 2017
This snowman is one of your best drawings. I love the nose and the smile. -- Uncle Dave
- on March 27, 2017
Incredible drawing Alyssa. I love the different color hair. The star necklace looks real nice. The green shirt almost looks like the one you have. Keep on drawing beautiful pictures. -- Uncle Dave
- on March 29, 2017
Wow, what an adorable drawing, Alyssa. We especially love the way you drew the straight hair and then the curly hair. Maybe you can do that with yours. We like the necklace , the staring eyes and the little hair clip. Your love of art is shown each month with all the drawings you have done. Continue the excellent work. We love you lots and lots.xoxo MeMa & PePa -- Mema & Pepa
- on March 22, 2017
That is such a great snowman and angle in which you drew him. I love the background also! You continue to amaze us with all of your work! We love you! Keep up the great work! -- Uncle John And Aunt Wendy
- on March 1, 2017
Alyssa, what a wonderful piece of art work. I love the perspective. It looks like it is towering above everything. Great work. Keep it up. ?? Mom & Dad -- Karen
- on February 17, 2017
What a happy snowman! We like the way you drew its scarf with the curl on the bottom, and the buttons look like neck ties. We are going to say that your snowman has ear phones on, listening to music, rather than ear muffs. That is why it looks so happy. This is a great time to be drawing winter pictures. Next time we have a snow storm, Alyssa, see if you could make a snowman like this in your yard. You continue to do a wonderful job in art class. Love you lots, MeMa & PePa -- Mema & Pepa
- on February 17, 2017
Wow This drawing is so neat to look at. I love the orange and green color. Keep drawing great pictures Alyssa. Love Uncle Dave -- Dave
- on January 25, 2017
Wow! How cool is this? I had never heard of this artist so this was so interesting to see and read about. You demonstrated the movements beautifully especially the trampoline! I love the colors also! Well done ! We love you! -- Aunt Wendy and Uncle John
- on January 15, 2017
Alyssa....this may be one of my favorites! Uncle John and I love sea turtles. This reminds us of our trip to Hawaii where we got to swim with them. This looks exactly like them! Great job once again! We love you! -- Aunt Wendy and Uncle John
- on January 15, 2017
Alyssa, what wonderful artwork. It must not have been easy having to draw three characters inside of all the colorful lines. I'm wondering if the black circle is a trampoline with the one character jumping on it.The other character looks like it is shooting an arrow like you do in archery and the middle character is either dancing or exercising using weights. We always look forward to seeing what your next artwork is going to be. Keep up the excellent job. Love you lots, MeMa & PePa -- Mema & Pepa
- on January 15, 2017
Hey Alyssa I love looking at the ladder. That would be fun to climb and see the view from the top. Love Uncle Dave -- Uncle Dave
- on December 7, 2016
Hey Alyssa I love the turtle. It reminds me of when we were in Florida and seeing the turtle go into the water at a pond. Keep drawing great pictures. -- Uncle Dave
- on December 7, 2016
Alyssa, what a great picture of a sea turtle. It reminds me of being on a tropical island. I love the colors. ?? mom -- Karen
- on November 30, 2016
Alyssa, what a fantastic drawing of a sea turtle. It looks so real as though it is actually crawling off the paper. There is certainly a lot of detail that you put into the picture. Keep up the wonderful work you are doing in art class. Love you lots xoxo MeMa & PePa -- Mema & Pepa
- on November 30, 2016
This is perfect, we can share it with our new grandson (our first grandchild). we are visiting him in Portland, Oregon. The turtle looks happy and the colors you used are cheerful and show is surrounding of waterp and land. Ed and Darlene -- Ed & Darlene
- on November 30, 2016
What an outstanding drawing, Alyssa. We love the way you drew three different flowers with a lot of detail. We love the middle flower or (character). You have certainly continued doing an amazing job in Art class. Keep up the great work. We are looking forward to another year of seeing your art work. Love you lots xoxo -- Mema & Pepa
- on October 11, 2016
Lysse, this is really cool!! I love the shapes and designs. It seems like you really used your imagination!! Another great piece of artwork!! Thanks for sharing it with us!! Love you lots!! xoxo -- Aunt Nancy
- on October 11, 2016
Wow, those flowers are beautiful. Great job. Love Dad -- Rob
- on October 10, 2016
Alyssa. What a great way to start off the new year. Great colors. Keep up the good work Love U - Mom -- Karen
- on October 10, 2016
wow we love this one. we are traveling in Spain and have seen wonderful art museums in Madrid -- Ed & Darlene
- on October 10, 2016
I love your tree house Lysse!! I think you should have your daddy build you one just like it in your backyard!! That would be so much fun to play in!! What a great year of art work by Lysse!! Can't wait to see what you are going to do next year!! -- Love, Aunt Nancy xoxo
- on June 29, 2016
What a fantastic treehouse! Almost real enough to play in it. Tell your dad to make u one. Alyssa, we have enjoyed all your art work projects. You should be very proud of what u have done. Love u lots xoxo. -- Mema & Pepa
- on June 16, 2016
Alyssa I love the cats. I especially love the top right one. Keep drawing -- Uncle Dave
- on June 3, 2016
Alyssa This makes me think of the fourth of July. It's amazing that that day will be here soon. I love it. Keep on drawing. -- Uncle Dave
- on June 3, 2016
Soooooo cute! I love all the colors! Each is so different! Amazing work once again! We love you! -- Aunt Wendy and Uncle John
- on May 28, 2016
I love this butterfly! The butterfly is a symbol of hope and new life! So great, Alyssa! So proud of you! -- Aunt Wendy and Uncle John
- on May 28, 2016
Wow.....this is do great! Makes me want to celebrate the Fourth of July! We love you! Keep drawing! -- Aunt Wendy and Uncle John
- on May 28, 2016
My o my. Alyssa, this is the best We both love, love, love it. Hooray for the fourth of july. Great colors Love u lots xoxo -- Mema & Pepa
- on May 28, 2016
I love fireworks Lysse!! These are so cool!! The colors you used are beautiful and some of my favorites!! Now I can't wait until 4th of July and summer!! Great job!! -- Love Aunt Nancy xoxo
- on May 28, 2016
Love the cat in the upper right corner peeking in! So cute. Love you lots. Mom -- Karen
- on May 25, 2016
Hi Lysse! I love your collage of cats! Great job! I was trying to pick my favorite one, but I couldn't because they are all so good! Keep it up Lysse! Love seeing your artwork! -- Love, Aunt Nancy xoxo
- on May 25, 2016
What a colorful piece of art work, alyssa. It reminds us of a patch quilt. It has been fun seeing all your art projects. Keep up the fantastic work. Love u lots. Xoxo mema and pepa -- Mema & Pepa
- on May 25, 2016
I Love the butterfly Alyssa. The green and yellow mix is great. -- Uncle Dave
- on May 25, 2016
Love the flow of the colors and the appearance of Day and Night. Good work! -- Ed & Darlene
- on May 4, 2016
Love your butterfly Lysse!! It reminds me of Spring and you used one of my favorite colors!! Keep up the great work!! -- Love, Aunt Nancy xoxo
- on April 17, 2016
Alyssa, love your butterfly. It reminds us of spring. Love Mom & Dad. -- Karen
- on April 14, 2016
Alyssa, what a nice, big butterfly. We like the way you used up most of the paper, making it an attractive drawing. It is very appropriate for this time of year, with everything blooming and appearing in spring. Even though there are only a few colors used, the drawing is very striking. Keep up the amazing work. We love you lots, MeMa and PePa -- MeMa & PePa
- on April 14, 2016
We love your latest piece of art. It makes your dad and I feel nostalgic. We want to watch an episode of the Partridge Family! This reminds us of when we were young. You really captured the essence of Mondrian. Love Mom & Dad. -- Karen
- on March 13, 2016
I love the colors in your heart Lysse!! Guess what my favorite color is??!! You did such perfect artwork and I love the red and white thin line you did! It is so cool! Thanks for sharing your masterpiece with us! Love you lots!! xoxo -- Aunt Nancy
- on March 13, 2016
That's such a nice picture, Alyssa! I love the heart most of all! You amaze me everyday with your talent! We love you! -- Wendy
- on March 13, 2016
Alyssa, what a beautiful and very colorful heart. Your class project taught us about a painter we did not know. You will have to tell us about the learning of horizontal and vertical lines. All your art work has been enjoyable and educational. Can't wait to see what is next. love you lots xoxo MeMa & PePa -- Grandparents
- on March 9, 2016
Hey Alyssa This picture makes me think of the time we spent in Florida. The sun reminds me of when we were swimming, and the stars make me think of when we were outside looking around the pond at night. Keep drawing great pictures. Love Uncle Dave -- Uncle Dave
- on March 3, 2016
This is so cute! I think Mema would love this! It matches her snow buddies! Great work, Alyssa! You are so talented! -- Uncle John and Aunt Wendy
- on February 26, 2016
This is absolutely beautiful! We can't help but think of vacations..... capturing the sunshine during the day and admiring the stars at night! This is certainly one of our favorites! Amazing work, Alyssa! We are so proud of your efforts and talent! We love you! Keep up the great artwork! -- Uncle John and Aunt Wendy
- on February 26, 2016
Lysse!! Great piece of art!! I love the bright, warm feeling of the sun and then the dark sky with the bright moon and stars. It reminds me of the heat miser and cold miser in the Christmas show. Another excellent job!! You are a very talented artist - I'm going to call you Alyssa Picasso!! Can't wait to see your next piece of art. Keep up the great work!! -- Aunt Nancy
- on February 26, 2016
Alyssa. I love them all, but I think this is my new favorite artwork!! Your use of color is great and I really like the contrast. Keep up the amazing work. Can't wait to see what comes next. Love Mom.i -- Mom & Dad
- on February 24, 2016
Wow Alyssa, you certainly depicted the meaning of your art work, showing the warm sun and the cool night with a beautiful moon and sparkling stars. It reminds us of the days we have at the beach in the summer. Keep up the fantastic work. It shows that you really enjoy art. Love you lots, MeMa & PePa xoxo -- Grandparents
- on February 24, 2016
Hi Alyssa I love the polar bear. What a great picture. Keep drawing. -- Uncle Dave
- on December 10, 2015
Love your polar bear! He is so cute! Keep up the great work. Love Mom -- Karen
- on December 7, 2015
Another great picture from Artist Lysse!! I'm so glad your Polar Bear is smiling while getting snowed on! He must be really cold! Your picture makes me want it to snow outside Lysse! Another great job! Looking forward to your next masterpiece!! xoxo -- Aunt Nancy
- on December 7, 2015
Alyssa what an adorable polar bear. Your drawing is very suitable for this time of year.We love its eyes. It looks as though it is looking for something on the ground. Keep up the great job you are doing. It is very obvious you are enjoying art class. Love you lots xoxo -- Mema & Pepa
- on December 7, 2015
Wow, love the colors and the creative shapes! Hello to all of your family. -- Ed & Darlene
- on November 15, 2015
What a great design! I love the colors and how the colors flip on the other side! We are so proud of you and love you very much! Keep drawing! -- Wendy and John Fitt
- on November 8, 2015
I love the colors you used in your splatter painting Lysse!! Especially the purple color!! Did you enjoy listening to Jazz music while you did your painting? That must have been something different for you to listen to while you painted. Keep up the great work!! Can't wait for your next artistic creation!! -- Love, Aunt Nancy xoxo
- on November 5, 2015
What a beautiful painting.It looks like you had a fun time doing this drawing. We especially loved the colors you used and the story of the painter. PePa and I love this type of painting. Continue doing such a wonderful job in art class. Maybe some day you may become a famous painter. Love you lots. -- MeMa and PePa
- on November 5, 2015
Alyssa this is one of my favorite pieces of artwork you have created so far! Love Mom
- on November 4, 2015
Lysse, Sorry I am late in responding to your artwork. I must say that this one is my favorite so far because the owl is my school mascot!! You did a really nice job making the owl look so colorful!! Great job!! Love, Aunt Nancy xo -- Aunt Nancy
- on November 1, 2015
Alyssa- I LOVE your owl. I especially love the patterns in the tree. I am Uncle's Dave's art teacher friend, and I met you at my art show last year. Ms. B.
- on October 24, 2015
Alyssa...this is absolutely amazing! The detail of the owl is great and the colors are so beautiful! You continue to amaze us with your artistic abilities! We remain so proud of everything you do! We love you! Love, Uncle John and Aunt Wendy. -- Uncle John and Aunt Wendy
- on October 19, 2015
I love the owl Alyssa. Another great drawing. Keep it up. -- Uncle Dave
- on October 15, 2015
WOW,Alyssa, what a great owl! We like your choice of colors and it reminds us of our owl flag we have at the beach house. This is a nice way to begin art in second grade. We will be looking forward to viewing all your other drawings. Love you lots. xoxo -- MeMa and PePa
- on October 13, 2015
Alyssa - Love your owl. She looks so pretty. We can't wait to see the artwork that you create this year. Love Mom & Dad
- on October 10, 2015
I really love this one Lysse!! The colors and flowers are magnificent!! When I look at it, it makes me feel very happy!! Keep it up!! Love you!! xoxo -- Aunt Nancy
- on June 17, 2015
Alyssa, Love your vase full of beautiful flowers. My favorite is the flower with the heart in the center. We love all of your artwork this year and look forward to see what you create next year! Love Mom & Dad
- on June 5, 2015
Sooooooo pretty and perfect for this time of year! I love all the colors! You can't help but smile when you see this! You have created so many beautiful projects this year! You should be very proud of yourself. I know we are! We love you! Love, Uncle John and Aunt Wendy. -- Wendy
- on June 17, 2015
WOW, Alyssa, this is my favorite. That is because I love flowers and the different colors. This art work definitely caught my attention.You have certainly improved with all your art projects. You must have spent a lot of time doing this with the different shaped flowers.We have enjoyed all your art work. This is a nice way to end the year, making people feel happy, because that is the way I feel, looking at the vase and flowers. You should be proud of everything you have done in art class. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your art work. We love you lots. Have a great summer vacation. xoxo MeMa and PePa -- MeMa and PePa
- on June 17, 2015
Very cool bird in a nest Lysse!! Makes me think of spring. Keep up the great work!! Love you xoxo -- Aunt Nancy
- on May 4, 2015
Wow! Alyssa, this is quite a creative drawing. We love the way it displays a 3D effect. There were many steps to follow to complete this project. You have certainly learned a lot in Art class this year. Now we know why you enjoy doing art so much. We hope you continue doing this next year because it is nice to see the improvement you have made from the beginning of the year to now. Keep up the fantastic work. We love all of it. Love you xoxo -- Mema & Pepa
- on May 1, 2015
Wow: did you see that rabbit running in your backyard? We Love the ears. -- Ed & Darlene
- on April 17, 2015
I love your Knuffle Bunny! So much cuter than Sean's evil bunny cake! You are so talented! We are so proud of your work! We love you! Can't wait to see what's next! Love, Uncle John and Aunt Wendy. -- Uncle John and Aunt Wendy
- on April 9, 2015
We love your knuffle bunny. She is very cute. Keep up the great work. Love Mom & Dad
- on April 8, 2015
Alyssa, your bunny is the perfect art drawing for Easter. We like the way you drew the most important part of the bunny, its happy face, just like your face when you are drawing. Even though Easter has gone by, we wish you a Happy Easter We know you had a wonderful holiday and spring break vacation. Love you lots, xoxo -- Mema & Pepa
- on April 8, 2015
Lysee - another beautiful piece of art! I love the bunny (it looks so much better than Sean's bunny cake, but don't tell him I said that)!! Keep up the beautiful work!! Love you!! xoxo -- Aunt Nancy
- on April 7, 2015
This is soooo cute! It brings such a huge smile to my face! Love her headband, earrings and especially her feet! You rock, Alyssa! So glad we have an artist in the family! We love you! Love, Aunt Wendy and Uncle John. -- Wendy
- on March 11, 2015
What an adorable pig, something I would like to have as a pet. He looks like he is very happy with his colorful clothes and wonderful smile. He reminds me of a book I read about "Babe, the Gallant Pig." Keep up the creative work in art. -- Mema & Pepa
- on February 27, 2015
Lysse - Love your pig!! I think it looks like a girl pig. I love all the details you put in your picture! Another great job by my very special niece!! Love you!! -- Aunt Nancy
- on February 26, 2015
This is a note from the art teacher at Uncle Dave's school I love how colorful the shirt is on the pig...really great color choices Ms. B. -- Uncle Dave
- on February 26, 2015
Was thinking of what to send my mom and dad (your mema and pepa) for Valentines Day and then I remembered your great heart mosaic! I just bought 2 mugs with the hearts to send them! They will love it! Keep are amazing! Love, Aunt Wendy and Uncle John! -- Aunt Wendy and Uncle John
- on February 11, 2015
LYSSE!! You did such a wonderful job on your heart!! Just like you, a big heart!! I wish I had as much talent as you!! Can't wait to see your next piece!! Love you!! -- Aunt Nancy
- on February 4, 2015
Wow! I love all the art work you have done. Keep up the good work Love Uncle Dave -- Dave
- on January 29, 2015
WOW!!! What a beautiful and colorful heart mosaic. It definitely reminds us of Valentine's Day and the love we have for you. You are quite an artist. Keep up the great work. -- MeMa and PePa
- on January 29, 2015
Wow Alyssa, we love your heart mosaic. Keep up the great work. mom & dad.
- on January 28, 2015
Thinking the Penguins are happy in all of this snow! Can't wait for the next piece of art! When is it coming out? -- Wendy
- on January 27, 2015
We enjoyed your colorful and happy penguin Do you have a name for it ? MeMa adores the mug she received at Christmas. It is used everytime she has tea for breakfast. -- Mema & Pepa
- on January 21, 2015
This is a very interesting piece of art, so much so that it is PePa's favorite so far. It looks like a star that has rays of light shining on all of us here on earth. -- Mema & Pepa
- on January 16, 2015
We enjoyed your "dressed up penguin". Have you given it a name? He or she looks like a very happy and colorful penguin. -- Mema & Pepa
- on January 16, 2015
I agree with Aunt Wendy and Uncle John - the giraffe is awesome!! xoxo -- Aunt Nancy
- on January 16, 2015
Alyssa, this one reminds me of the book, "Where The Wild Things Are"! It looks just like the monster! This was one of Bryan and Sean's (and Aunt Nancy's) favorite books! Bryan even has a monster picture from that book, but yours is better (don't tell Bryan though)!! Love it!! xoxo -- Aunt Nancy
- on January 16, 2015
WOW Lysse, this can either be for 4th of July or Happy New Year! It is so cool! It makes you want to have a party and celebrate! Keep up the great art work!! xoxo -- Aunt Nancy
- on January 16, 2015
I love this penguin you drew Lys! Bryan and Sean's 3rd, 4th and 5th grade school had the penguin as their mascot, so we love penguins! Can't wait to see your next work of art! xoxo -- Aunt Nancy
- on January 16, 2015
Love love love my Giraffe travel mug! Use it all the time! Love it so much that I am thinking of getting another one. Trying to decide which one. I will have to speak with Artist Alyssa to get her thoughts on these masterpieces! Look out comes Alyssa! -- Wendy
- on January 8, 2015
I absolutely LOVE my giraffe coasters. We have them on our coffee table so everyone can see them. They are a great work of art! -- John