Alex I really like this work of art. It is really spooky, nice job.
- pappy on December 30, 2020
so proud of you and your social justice stance, very nice imagination and idea concerning the colors and the peace sign. you never stop amazing your pappy. love ya.
- Pappy on June 17, 2020
nice carrot, Alex.
- Pappy on June 10, 2020
Good job, nice details, keep drawing
- Nanny on June 10, 2020
at first I thought it was the original Yankee emblem. Nice job!
- Pappy on May 13, 2020
Alex again your work is phenomenal keep drawing
- Nanny on April 22, 2020
Like always love your drawings Alex Nanny
- Nanny on April 22, 2020
Alex Love that photo of Izzy Nanny
- Nanny on April 22, 2020
they do look like grapes Alex, as usual, good work. we are all so very proud of you. proud of every accomplishment and just proud because you are you. love ya pappy
- pappy on April 1, 2020
Alex I really like that bowl, such nice work. Good job! -- Jimmy--Pappy
- on April 1, 2020
Alex, I love your drawings, love the way you pay attention to detail, keep drawing -- Nanny
- on April 1, 2020
I enjoy watching your creativity. 2 of my favorite things you and giraffe. -- Barbara
- on April 1, 2020
Good job Alex, your art work is always interesting. -- Sandie
- on April 1, 2020
Alex Very nice artwork, I love that color combination, good job buddy. -- pappy
- on September 26, 2018
Alex good job, it looks like a web, a web of deep thought Nanny -- Sandie
- on March 28, 2018
Alex Very nice artwork, it looks so exotic and mysterious -- Jimmy pappy
- on March 21, 2018
Great work Alex, keep drawing -- Nanny
- on January 10, 2018
Alex I just love the little details and the expressions in your art work, excellent work Alex, keep drawing. -- Sandie
- on November 22, 2017
Alex I just love this picture, so beautiful. nice work buddy -- jimmy
- on November 8, 2017
love this one Alex. -- Jimmy Pappy
- on October 26, 2017
Alex, good job on your art buddy. pappy -- Jimmy Pappy
- on October 26, 2017
2 of my favorite things your art and owls! Good job love the colors -- Barbara
- on April 5, 2017
I always enjoy seeing your art work -- Barbara
- on March 15, 2017
Alex Great work as usual, I am always so pleased when I see your artwork. Keep up the good work pappy -- Jimmy
- on February 15, 2017
Alex just saw your latest artwork, it is really neat buddy. I love it. Nice job! -- pappy
- on February 15, 2017
Alex Just saw your latest artwork, keep up the good work. Love Ya! Pappy -- jimmy
- on December 7, 2016
Alex Wow! Just saw your latest art work and I just love it. You mixed your colors perfectly and that picture is so very nice. I am very proud of you, not only for your art work but for everything you do. I love you very much Pappy -- Jimmy
- on October 7, 2016
Alex What a beautiful butterfly, pappy is so proud of your artwork but even more importantly I am always proud of you. pappy -- pappy
- on April 16, 2016
Alex Saw you owl again and it is just so perfect, colorful and exciting. I get so happy when I get to see your art, and so very proud. Keep it up buddy. pappy -- Jimmy pappy
- on March 16, 2016
Alex I just love your artwork, I missed so much of it because of an email problem. They are so very nice, thanks you for including pappy. Love ya Pappy -- Jimmy
- on March 16, 2016
I enjoy looking at your artwork from school. -- Grammy
- on March 16, 2016
Alex pappy loves your heart, so beautiful. -- Jimmy. Pappy.