Janiyah449's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Janiyah449's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You are the best of the best my sweet granddaughter Keep up the good work
-- Diane
- on May 31, 2018
you are the awesomist of the awesome baby girl gramma is so proud of you and I love you very much keep up the good work. hugs and kisses forever
-- Gramma Diane
- on May 31, 2018
Keep up the gud work Wooga daddy luv ur work ????
-- Harvey
- on February 4, 2017
I luv ur work stinka butt luv daddy
-- Harvey
- on February 4, 2017
Your picture is as bright as you. I love it soo much Granadma
-- Diane
- on January 4, 2017
Awesome. Way to go!
-- Diane
- on January 4, 2017
Janiyah. You are the best. We need to send that to your sister overseas
-- Diane
- on February 4, 2017
fabulous Janiyah you are such a clever girl
-- Diane
- on February 4, 2017
Wow!! You have an artists eye
- on June 2, 2015
Baby your self portrait is beautiful like u
-- Diane
- on February 4, 2017
You have such a creative eye!! Love you mommy
-- Joanne
- on April 15, 2015
Janiyah you are awesome. I love your picture.
-- Diane
- on April 15, 2015
Hey daddy lil angel keep up the good work luv u wooga I luv ur art work ur daddy lil angel luv u
-- Harvey
- on April 15, 2015
Hey daddy lil angel keep up the good work luv u wooga
-- Harvey
- on April 15, 2015
Hi Janiyah, I saw your stamped "Butterfly". He is sooo beautiful and you are sooo awesome. What a cler girl you are! Love Grandma
-- Diane
- on April 15, 2015
You are the awesomemist of bawesomemists Janiyah! Grandma luv you very much. Keep up the good work.
-- Grandma
- on January 15, 2015
keep up the gud work wooga daddy is so proud of his lil angel luv u
-- Harvey
- on November 26, 2014