I love you're Love picture?! Love you too, Mama -- Stephanie
- on May 20, 2019
I love your LOVE drawing Good work -- Diana
- on May 20, 2019
Very creative, good use of colors. I love you, Momma Con -- Connie
- on May 20, 2019
Looks like a pretty fresh salad. Good job babe. Keep up the great work. Love you, Momma Con -- Connie
- on May 8, 2019
Salad comes alive ? What kind of dressings do you have to put on it? Make mine French. -- Papaw And Grandma
- on May 4, 2019
Love your little critter??. Keep up with your artistic talent ??. Momma “llama” Con -- Connie
- on April 15, 2019
That does look really cool. Great job sweetie. Love Mama -- Stephanie
- on April 12, 2019
You still amaze me. Love you Mama -- Steph
- on March 16, 2019
Great job Natalie. Your creativity is awesome. Love you, Momma Con -- Connie
- on March 16, 2019
Love your fall leaves! I can almost smell them in the air. What is your favorite season? Grammy -- Diana
- on February 12, 2019
Beautiful colors. You are so talented. Keep up the good work. Love you. Momma Con -- Connie
- on February 5, 2019
Beautiful colors Nat. You are so talented. Keep up the good work. Love you. Momma Con -- Connie
- on February 5, 2019
Those are absolutely beautiful!!! Grandma and papaw think you have real artistic talent! Your artwork helps brighten our day. Keep practicing and growing. -- Steve
- on February 5, 2019
Very nice. Keep up the good work. Llama Con -- Connie
- on December 30, 2018
That's one beautiful rainbow. Wish we could see one of those outside every day??. Love you, Mama -- Stephanie
- on December 25, 2018
I bet there’s gold at the end if that pretty rainbow! Nice work -- Diana
- on December 25, 2018
Pretty...pretty...pretty! She sings over the rainbow as well. Good job! Does she watch The Wizard of Oz ? -- Steve
- on December 25, 2018
Beautiful! Indiana’s state bird. Great artwork Natalie. Cardinals appear when angels are near. -- Steve
- on December 17, 2018
What a beautiful bird. He looks like he’s right outside our window! -- Diana
- on December 17, 2018
Nice work on the cardinal. It looks like the picture hanging in my dining room Good job. Love, Llama Con -- Connie
- on December 17, 2018
Pretty Cardinal sweetie pie? Love you, Mama -- Stephanie
- on December 15, 2018
I’d love to see a whole tree decorated with a bunch of these colorful ornaments. It would be beautiful Momma Con -- Connie
- on November 30, 2018
Love the colorful leaves. Makes you just want to rake them up and jump in them. Momma Con -- Connie
- on November 30, 2018
Beautiful pucture. I love the flowers. Keep up the good work. Momma Con -- Connie
- on November 30, 2018
Looks good baby girl. Love Mama -- Stephanie
- on November 28, 2018
Love the patriotic colors you used -- Diana
- on November 28, 2018
What a very healthy kitty It is soooo cute -- Diana
- on October 14, 2018
That kitty looks like it’s ready for Halloween. Great job. Momma Con -- Connie
- on October 1, 2018
Love the Panda. Looks like it needs to be cuddled. Momma Con -- Connie
- on October 1, 2018
Nice job Nat! Very pretty colors. Keep up the good work. Momma Con -- Connie
- on October 1, 2018
Meow,meow fat kitty. You really like cats. Nice work Natalie. -- Papaw And Grandma
- on October 1, 2018
Awe what a cute kitty. -- Stephanie
- on September 26, 2018
Beautiful use of colors. Great job. Love you Momma Con -- Connie
- on May 1, 2018
Awesome ! You are so talented ! Gma Ginny -- Papaw And Grandma
- on May 1, 2018
You're doing a great job this year. Maybe we'll make some more of these. Love you Mama -- Stephanie
- on April 26, 2018
God’s got his eye on you for good things Love Grammy -- Diana
- on April 26, 2018
That's really neat. You did a great job Natalie! I can't wait to see your next masterpiece. Keep it up. -- Steve
- on April 26, 2018
Love your colors Makes me think of spring Good work Grammy -- Diana
- on April 26, 2018
We are proud Americans. Great job. Momma Con -- Connie
- on April 19, 2018
Very pretty work. Almost as pretty as you are. Love you?? Momma Con -- Connie
- on April 19, 2018
Looks good baby girl. I think it would look nice in hall. Love Mama -- Stephanie
- on April 17, 2018
Looks like a fun place to play. We should go there sometime. Love you Mama -- Stephanie
- on March 15, 2018
Love your landscapes. You go girl??. Love be you, Momma Con -- Connie
- on March 15, 2018
Love the colors on your heart We’re going have to try this at home Great work ?? -- Diana
- on March 7, 2018
Loved your heart work?? Keep up the fabulous work. -- Connie
- on March 7, 2018
Wow!!! Beautiful colors. Very good symmetry. You would be a great cake decorator. -- Steve
- on March 7, 2018
I'm really liking the colors you used. It's very pretty good job. Love you Mama -- Stephanie
- on March 6, 2018
Good work sweetie. You look really cute with your mask in person??. Love you Mama -- Stephanie
- on February 15, 2018
What a great mask. You are so talented. Keep up the good work. Grams was so proud of your report card. Love you. Momma Con -- Connie
- on February 14, 2018
What a beautiful mask. You are really talented. Grams sends her love and is so proud of your report card. Love you. Momma Con -- Connie
- on February 14, 2018
Meooooooow!!! Nice kitty. -- Steve
- on February 14, 2018
Looks good kiddo ?? Keep up the good work, Dadoo loves you. -- Micah
- on February 14, 2018
Looks like you're already for Christmas. Good job sweetie, and that looks as pretty as you do! Love Mama -- Stephanie
- on December 8, 2017
That is absolutely amazing. You do such good work. See you soon?? -- Connie
- on December 8, 2017
Pretty! Will look nice on the Christmas tree. -- Steve
- on December 8, 2017
You are so very talented. Keep up the good work ??. Mama Con -- Connie
- on December 1, 2017
Very colorful??. Just like you are. Love Mama -- Stephanie
- on November 18, 2017
Wonderful view of down on the farm. I like the fences keeping everything organized. Great color usage. It almost looks like my house. Great job! -- Papaw And Grandma
- on November 13, 2017
It sure looks good to me. Keep doing a great job. Momma Con -- Connie
- on November 13, 2017
Love your garden Is this our farm -- Diana
- on November 13, 2017
Looks great sweetie. Keep up the good work. Love you, Mama -- Stephanie
- on November 8, 2017
Looking forward to seeing all your art work this year -- Grammy
- on October 23, 2017
Looks like you really had fun using your imagination on this masterpiece. Love you, Mama -- Stephanie
- on October 16, 2017
You are so very creative. I loved all the colors. See you soon. Love Momma Con -- Connie
- on September 26, 2017
A great use of color and form. Very imaginative. Can't wait to see what's next. -- Steve
- on September 20, 2017
Looks very creative! I can't wait to see it in person! Keep up the good work sweetie. Love Mama -- Stephanie
- on September 18, 2017
Great job this year Nat. You are a fantastic artist. Keep up the good work -- Connie
- on May 24, 2017
Keep up the good work. That sun is as sunny as you are. -- Connie
- on May 24, 2017
You're doing great this year! I can't wait to see what beautiful art creations you come up with next year! Love you Nat, Mama -- Stephanie
- on May 19, 2017
That looks really good sweetheart Love Mama -- Stephanie
- on February 16, 2017
Terrific job sweetie. Keep up the good work. -- Connie
- on February 16, 2017
That's a real cozy looking fireplace. Makes me want hot cocoa and snuggles to share with you. I'm just wondering how many stockings we really need? Love, Mama -- Stephanie
- on December 21, 2016
Natalie that fire looks so real I'm already getting warm. Great job again. You are so talented. -- Connie
- on December 21, 2016
A nice cozy fire to get warm. Hope Santa is careful if he comes down that chimney. He will need a big sack to fill all those stockings. Beautiful colors. Keep up the great work Natalie. -- Papaw And Grandma
- on December 15, 2016
Great job Natalie. I think the trees are beautiful. Keep up the good work -- Connie
- on December 12, 2016
Love the tree's! They are so beautiful, just like you. Keep up the good work. Hope we don't get that much snow.. Love you Mama -- Stephanie
- on December 12, 2016
This really gets me in the Christmas spirit! I always say the more tinsel used, the better a tree looks. Great job Natalie! -- Papaw
- on December 12, 2016
Wow! What a beautiful pair of cardinals. We love the brilliant red colors. Great job Natalie! -- Papaw And Grandma
- on December 12, 2016
Cute Kitty -- Stephanie
- on December 3, 2016
Doing a great job baby girl??. You're so talented and I'm very proud of you. -- Stephanie
- on December 3, 2016
I just love your cardinals. Great job Natalie. Love you. Keep up the terrific work. -- Connie
- on December 3, 2016
Great work sweety ! Love Mama -- Stephanie
- on October 31, 2016
Meow! What a feisty looking kitty, and my oh my what long legs! -- Papaw
- on October 31, 2016
Great job Natalie. I am so proud of you keep up the good work. -- Connie
- on October 31, 2016
Great painting Natalie! It could be hanging in an art museum. We like all the variety of colors you used in this painting. You get better with each picture. Keep it up. -- Papaw And Grandma
- on October 31, 2016
That's a really neat looking lizard! Itw would be nice to see it up close, and have it for a pet. Keep making beautiful pictures. Love Mama -- Stephanie
- on September 24, 2016
Wow! What a multicolored lizard. It would make a nice pet. Beautiful colors. Looks like a friendly lizard because of the hearts. Keep up the great work. -- Papaw
- on September 24, 2016
What a beautiful flower! We particularly love the vase with all those hearts. You really use bold colors and mixed them well. Another masterpiece. Keep up the great work! -- Papaw And Grandma
- on September 24, 2016
Such a pretty flower??. You have a very colorful and vivid mind when it comes to art??. Mama -- Stephanie
- on September 14, 2016
What a pretty picture. I really like the cross hatching on the nest. Natalie you do do wonderful pictures. -- Steve
- on September 14, 2016
Great job -- Connie
- on September 14, 2016
I love your penguin it's really cute but not as cute as you! Love Mama -- Stephanie
- on May 10, 2016
Great job Natalie. -- Momma Con
- on May 10, 2016
That's one cool cat! -- Papaw and grandma
- on May 10, 2016
This snowman makes me feel cold and happy at the same time. -- Papaw and grandma
- on May 10, 2016
What beautiful hearts! We would love to have it hanging on our wall. We love it and we love you. -- Papaw and grandma