I love your pumpkins, the color is beautiful, and the sun really sets them off. Nana loves you. -- Chris
- on December 8, 2017
Love it. Beautiful -- Mom
- on November 22, 2017
Love it -- Cortney
- on March 6, 2017
Absolutely love your chicken. A beautiful picture from a beautiful girl. Love you more, Nana -- Chris
- on June 9, 2016
keep up the good work Gwen -- Papaw
- on May 4, 2016
My little impressionist artist Gwendolyn. Keep it up and you will be as famous as Monet, Renoir or Degas. Nana's favorite is Seurat. Love the water lilies, love you. -- Nana
- on April 8, 2016
Very pretty Gwendolyn, you may be a great artist one day. I like your choice of colors too, I think it would make a great Valentine card for your Nana. Love you bunches angel. -- Nana
- on March 12, 2016
Wonderful lion, Gwendolyn. When you come back to Nana's house you can draw me one for my refrigerator. Very pretty, you did an awesome depiction. -- Nana
- on October 29, 2015
So cool. Love it! Great job!!
- on October 5, 2015
Way to go Princess. Love the soft lines and choice of colors. Your talent is endless. -- Nana
- on October 5, 2015
????That's so cool big girl??, maybee next time I see you, you can show me how you did that. Then maybee, just maybee! I will have one for my refrigerator. What do you say??? ??One proud uncle?? -- Cody
- on April 15, 2015
Very pretty little girl, I love the choice of colors you chose. Reminds me of spring and all the pretty flowers. Love you angel. -- Chris
- on March 18, 2015
Love this picture, very good job little girl. Keep up the good work. Love you, Nana -- Chris
- on December 16, 2014
Very good picture. I believe she may have surpassed Hermann Rorschach. The beautiful background colors seem to poject the image forward so the viewer has an ambiguous response. The viewer is able to discern a pig, a dog, an eye, a bug, which all seem to be afloat. -- Nana