Jason9257's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Jason9257's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Incredible work son. Very creepy clown!
-- Bobby
- on January 24, 2018
I like this. Looks like a quilt pattern
-- Nana
- on December 8, 2017
What kinda of soda are ya drinkin' ?
-- Nana
- on December 8, 2017
Is it a fire cracker ? Love the red.
-- Nana
- on December 8, 2017
Wow! I love this
-- Nana
- on December 8, 2017
I always knew you were a pumpkin
-- Nana
- on October 28, 2015
WOW, Jason this is AWESOME!!!
-- Nana
- on September 26, 2015
Oh I like this one Buddy
-- nana
- on March 4, 2015
Jason, I really like this. I can make out a face with a beard. Strange Huh?
-- Nana
- on March 4, 2015
I'm so proud of you son. You are an amazing artist!
-- Bobby
- on December 17, 2014
wow super cool kind of native.
-- nana
- on December 17, 2014
Jason, the contrast good job buddy Love, nana
-- Nana
- on December 17, 2014
Nice picture, Jason. I like your colors.
-- Grandma
- on December 17, 2014