Amelia3325's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Amelia3325's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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good job love you
-- Norma
- on April 10, 2015
Very nice, It looks like our campsite down by the river.
-- Rick
- on March 27, 2015
Amelia, great job grandma is very proud of you. Love you grandma Norma
-- Norma
- on March 14, 2015
Amelia!! It's beautiful! I really love your artwork. You are very talented!
-- Pawpaw
- on March 14, 2015
Amelia Grace you are so talented! xoxo mommy
- on December 12, 2014
I love your art work! You are so talented! Love you, Tammy.
-- Tammy
- on December 12, 2014
good job Amelia,love you miss you
-- Norma
- on December 12, 2014
I Love your artwork!! Very Awesome!! Grandma Robyn is so proud of you!!
-- Robyn
- on December 5, 2014