Kassidy924's Comments (29)

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Below are comments about Kassidy924's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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-- Jeff
- on October 4, 2017
Great job sweetheart!! Mommy is so proud of you
-- Angela
- on September 20, 2017
Way to go Kassidy!! Great job!!
-- Aunt Stacie
- on September 20, 2017
Beautiful as always!
-- Angela
- on July 3, 2017
This is beautiful, Kassidy! Keep up the great work!
-- Sybil
- on April 5, 2017
Good job big girl!
-- Daddy
- on March 22, 2017
Absolutely beautiful job big girl!
-- Angela
- on March 15, 2017
Very pretty Kassidy!! I love the colors
-- Stacie
- on March 15, 2017
Beautiful butterfly
-- Angela
- on March 1, 2017
This piece would make a great Valentine's Day gift!
-- Angela
- on March 1, 2017
Love the colors in this piece! Great job baby!
-- Angela
- on March 1, 2017
Great job. Mommy is proud of you
-- Angela
- on March 1, 2017
Great job Kassidy!! Keep up the great work
-- Aunt Stacie
- on March 1, 2017
Great job Kassidy! Mommy is very proud of you!
-- Angela
- on May 19, 2016
Absolutely beautiful!!!! My little "Picasso". Great job princess!!!!
-- Mommy
- on November 4, 2015
I absolutely LOVE this flower Kassidy!!!! Mommy is proud of you.
- on October 22, 2015
The flower is so pretty.. Good job Kassidy.
-- Marla
- on October 22, 2015
Great job baby!! Mommy is so proud of you.
- on May 6, 2015
Thats is a beautiful bird . I love all the colors you used on its beak. Great job Kassidy!
-- Marla
- on May 6, 2015
Love it Kass
-- Stephaie
- on May 6, 2015
Great picture Kassidy. Keep up the good work. Love ya
-- Wayne
- on March 17, 2015
Kassidy, I love your picture! The blue color along the sides are beautiful; I can tell you worked really hard and it shows!
-- Sybil
- on March 17, 2015
Love the cat Kass
-- Stephaie
- on March 17, 2015
Great job Kassidy!! You are doing a great job!! Keep up the good work!!
-- Stacie
- on February 11, 2015
I love your peacock so much, Kassidy! You are such a good artist. You do really good in all of your school work. NaNa is so proud of you! Keep up the good work, Pumpkin!
-- NaNa
- on February 11, 2015
Kassidy, what awesome artwork! I can see that you have been working really hard and you are producing beautiful pictures. Keep up the good work! P.S. - Jackson and Sydney love it too! Love, Aunt Sybil
-- Sybil
- on January 22, 2015
Wow! Good Job, Kassidy! NaNa is so proud of you!
-- NaNa
- on January 22, 2015
You are so good, Kassidy! I just love your picture!
-- NaNa
- on January 22, 2015
Good job Big Girl!! Love you!
-- Jeff
- on January 21, 2015