Ruby1697's Comments (42)

View Ruby1697's portfolio
Below are comments about Ruby1697's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This turkey is so colorful!! Good job Ruby :)
-- mary
- on December 6, 2015
This house is so cute - it reminds me of your house up on a hill. I really like the colors of the hill!!
-- mary
- on December 6, 2015
I love the stars and stripes artwork - the colors are so rich and the design is very unique!! You've been a busy artist lately :)
-- mary
- on December 6, 2015
Hi Ruby- love your Stars and Stripes artwork! You are getting to be quite the artist. Gramma and papa are proud of you. Love you.
-- Bonnie
- on December 5, 2015
Ruby, We like the scary black cat. It is nice to get your art and see that you are back to creating it. Take care, and keep up the good work! Lew & Alice
-- Lew & Alice
- on November 10, 2015
WOW, what a scary halloween cat, looks like there's a spider web too. It's nice to see your artwork online again - I've missed it this summer.
-- mary
- on November 10, 2015
Hello Ruby- Papa and I really like your cat picture! Kinda scary!! I would like to get a copy of it so I can use it for our Halloween decorations next year. Next time I see you maybe we can take it down to Walgreens and make a copy. So glad we got to see it. Happy Day!! Gramma
-- Bonnie
- on November 10, 2015
Wow! I like this show of vivid colors. It leaps up at you. Nice job! I think Alice may need another cup.
-- Lew
- on July 15, 2015
Wow Ruby, that is BeAUTIFUL!!!! Love you- Gramma
-- Bonnie
- on July 15, 2015
Another beautiful piece of artwork - this looks like a summer day in a field of flowers, I can't wait for it to get warm!
-- Mary
- on May 5, 2015
This is such a pretty flower...I need to plant some in my yard :)
-- Mary
- on May 5, 2015
This one is my favorite so far!
-- Gina
- on May 5, 2015
What a pretty snake! I like the way you drew the sun and that prickly cactus :)
-- mary
- on May 5, 2015
I would call this a rainbow snake. The cactus is a picture in itself; it has character. We need to see you guys. Ty is growing up fast. We look forward to fishing with your Dad this month.
-- Lew
- on May 5, 2015
Ruby, I like this painting for its mystery. The different shades of light and brightness make it interesting. You are getting good at art. It has to be a lot of fun to create. Are you swimming yet? You were so close the time I saw you in the pool. I thought about two or three more lessons you would be swimming across the width of the pool.
-- Lew
- on April 11, 2015
Ruby, I will not look at a tree in the winter the same way. I know I have the option of adding color to it if I wish. Nice.
-- Lew
- on April 11, 2015
Ruby, I like the simplicity of this piece. It would be interesting to do another and put different colors on all the cotton tips and the center piece. It would also be interesting to use one color on all the cotton and see what a different mood it creates--like gloom for black and cheerfulness for bright colors. I had trouble with my computer a few weeks ago and wasn't able to respond as quickly as normal.
-- Lew
- on April 11, 2015
Hello Ruby!! Love the "Windy Day Flower Garden" painting. It is beautiful and is a perfect subject for Easter and spring time. We are really enjoying the other artwork you brought us too! Can't wait to see you on Sunday!! Gramma and Papa
-- Bonnie
- on April 11, 2015
This is beautiful, Ruby!!
-- mary
- on April 3, 2015
How creative - this is so cute, Ruby!!
-- mary
- on March 11, 2015
Ruby said that she cut the circles out and glued them on to the tree trunk. She liked picking out the colors. She likes art class.
- on January 30, 2015
This is very nice, Ruby. I had never heard of Wasilly Kandinsky before, so after seeing your artwork, I looked him up on line. His paintings are very modern and colorful - I like his circle paintings best and I think you captured that idea really well with this tree. Are these circles cut out and pasted on or did you paint them? is the tree painted or cut out? It really looks great!!
-- mary
- on January 30, 2015
Ruby, these cupcakes look so good - they've made me hungry!! The colors are wonderful and the cherry on top is such a nice touch. I like the way you colored the table :)
-- mary
- on January 29, 2015
Ruby, We saw your new turtle and liked it. Then we saw you name and work in the newspaper. Now we like your latest work, the cupcakes. We like the scale and the soft colors. You are in the Hall of Fame, the Newspaper and have your own website already. Keep up the good work! You will be swimming soon; just a few more lessons. Lew
-- Lew
- on January 29, 2015
Yum, I want to eat these!!
-- Gina
- on January 29, 2015
The color of the glaze on your turtle is beautiful, it adds so much!! I'm so glad your teacher puts pictures of your art on this website so we can all see it - be sure to tell her I said thank you :)
-- mary
- on January 19, 2015
Gramma loves Mr. Turtelle!!
-- Bonnie
- on January 19, 2015
Another beautiful work of art!! Which one is your favorite? Which was the most fun to create?
-- mary
- on December 31, 2014
Ruby, I like the soft pastel colors. It also has a little mystery to it. You seem to be doing every type of art. I still want to learn how I can do a portfolio and get in the Hall of Fame.
-- Lew
- on December 4, 2014
Ruby, I like this fat, happy snowman. I also like the angle you drew it instead of straight up and down. How did you get in the Hall of Fame already? What an accomplishment! Keep up the good work.
-- Lew
- on December 2, 2014
I really like your snowman Ruby :)
-- mary
- on November 23, 2014
Nice job ruby!! I wish we could make a snowman but we don't have any snow yet!!
-- Gina
- on November 21, 2014
Ruby, Are these gooney birds? They look gooney. I like them, the different head turns and the background make an interesting painting.
-- Lew
- on November 21, 2014
Wow Ruby! We love the shape art. It's fun to see one looking up and the other one looking around the corner. Thanks for sharing it with us. Gramma Bonnie and Papa Mike.
-- Bonnie & Mike
- on November 13, 2014
This shape painting is my favorite painting, great job Ruby!
-- Mary
- on November 10, 2014
Ruby, Wow! Your art keeps getting better and better. I like everything. Its hard to wait for the next creation. I am going to be a Ruby art collector. Lew
-- Lew
- on October 28, 2014
I love your art work! I especially like this colorful one. It makes me feel happy! Keep up the wonderful art work.
-- Alice
- on October 27, 2014
Wow Ruby! I love this turtle :)
-- Gina
- on October 23, 2014
This looks so cool - I really like the colors and design. I see you've won your portfolio award already, congratulations Ruby!!
-- Mary
- on October 22, 2014
This is the cutest turtle I've ever seen - good job Ruby!!
-- Mary
- on October 22, 2014
This is awesome ruby!!
-- Gina
- on October 13, 2014
Ruby - this is wonderful, you are such a talented artist!! I'm ordering a few mugs with this design :) Love you...grandma mary
-- Mary
- on October 10, 2014