I love that you made a snow GIRL! Girl power Kandes! Great job on the colors too! You are making me proud! Keep it up :) Love you! -- Aunt Britta
- on January 27, 2016
Very pretty Kandes! The colors are gorgeous! Keep up the good work! Aunt Britta loves you! -- Aunt Britta
- on December 18, 2015
This is very good Kandes! Aunt Britta and Uncle Ben wishes you a very Merry Christmas!! We love you! Sending long distance hugs from California!! <3 -- Aunt Britta
- on December 18, 2015
Wow Kandes! Your art work has so many fun colors! Great job sweetie! You are making aunt Britta so proud!!! -- Aunt Britta
- on November 11, 2015
Did you make that all by yourself? Such a good job. -- Todd
- on March 18, 2015
Very pretty. Love all the beautiful colors. So proud of you honey. I love you so much. Love daddy -- Todd
- on March 18, 2015
Very good Kandes Marie. Daddy loves you and I'm very proud. -- Todd