NaRod1's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about NaRod1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Na'Rod your work is absolutely amazing! I am so proud of you!!
-- La'Wanda
- on November 16, 2015
This Grinch is amazing! When i first saw it I thought, "Wow, my baby is good!" Keep up the wonderful job son! Love you
- on January 23, 2015
Na'Rod, Mommy is so proud of you and the and the wonderful work that you do. Your imagination and creativity is amazing. I feel as though I am walking through those trees. Great job!!
- on January 23, 2015
So very proud of you Na'Rod your artwork is great!! Keep up the good work.
-- Ramona
- on January 10, 2015
You are a very talented artist. Keep up the good work and I am proud of you.
-- Tange
- on January 8, 2015