Connor11579's Comments (27)

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Below are comments about Connor11579's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Connor, this is a wonderful picture. What a blend of color and design with the dogs, the turtle and all the landscaping. You are so talented honey. We love all your artwork. Love, Gram and Papaw
-- Teresa
- on April 7, 2019
Hey, Connor, what a great picture! Everything in the picture just flows together. I love the background colors and how it blends right with the outfit. It is certainly special...just like you!!! Love you,
-- Meme
- on April 7, 2019
Connor, this is really cool!!! Your are becoming an incredible artist. I love the way you blend colos and patterns. Keep up the good work, sweetie. Love, Gram and Papaw
-- Teresa
- on February 20, 2019
Connor, I love LILO, although I thought it was Lily. You did such a great job. Actually, loved your art gallery. Of course, Meem's favorites would be the flowers. Now wait, I loved your portrait!! Then again, I just loved them all and love you too??
-- Meem
- on October 27, 2018
Honey, this so adorable. You must have had a lot of fun making this doggie. Keep up the good work. Papaw and I love looking at all your artwork. Love you. Gram and Papaw
-- Teresa
- on May 19, 2018
Sweetie, this is a great self portrait. You even have the correct shade of blue in your eyes. We are very proud of all of your artwork. You are very talented. We love you. Gram and Papaw
-- Teresa
- on May 19, 2018
Connor, you are certainly doing terrific artwork. This is a cool piece. I like your initials beside your tree. Good job, sweetie. We love you. Gram and Papaw
-- Gram and Papaw
- on May 19, 2018
Wow, Connir, you did a great job...l ove the color and, of course, love you too!!! Meme
-- Linda
- on May 19, 2018
Connor, this is simply adorable. And your colors are beautiful. Good job, honey. You are very talented. Love, Gram and.Papaw
-- Gram and Papaw
- on May 19, 2018
What a beautiful blue flower. We love your Georgia O'Keefe!!! Love you.
-- Gram and Papaw
- on May 13, 2017
I loved your picture.....seeing the crescent moon, the stars and all the bright colors made my day special ?? It is a very happy picture!!! Love you bunches, Meme
-- Linda
- on April 16, 2017
Hi Connor, your newest artwork is simply beautiful. It looks like a waterfall of color under a moon. You are a fantastic artist. Love, Gram and Papaw
-- Gram
- on April 16, 2017
Hi Connor, I finally got my computer fixed, so I can now let you know how much Papaw and I love your self-portrait. And your many colors are so pretty. We also like that you wrote "I'm Happy" on your smiling picture. You are becoming a very good artist. Love, Gram and Papaw
-- Gram and Papaw
- on May 3, 2016
Hi Connor, this piece is so colorful and has many pretty designs. I think this is where you folded your paper in half after painting and made duplicate designs. Very good, honey. Love, Gram and Papaw
-- Gram and Papaw
- on May 3, 2016
Hi Sweetie, We didn't get to see this piece before. You used numerous designs and colors to make a piece to look like almost like a quilt section. Very imaginative. Love, Gram and Papaw
-- Gram and Papaw
- on May 3, 2016
Connor, this is a great piece where you used a "C" for your name. Very pretty and decorative. Love, Gram and Papaw
-- Gram and Papaw
- on May 3, 2016
Hi Your Kente cloth is beautiful with so many vibrant colors. You love many colors, just like I do. I guess that is why you so often draw rainbows. Papaw and I enjoy each of your drawings. Love, Gram and Papaw
-- Gram and Papaw
- on May 3, 2016
Connor, you did an amazing self portrait. I love that you drew your necklace and you even have your long eyelashes drawn on your portrait. I am so happy because you are happy??. Meme loves you soooooo much?? Meme
-- Linda
- on May 3, 2016
Connor, this is simply beautiful. What a wonderful artist you are becoming. I just love all the colors on your trees. Beautiful! Love you, honey.
-- Gram and Papaw
- on December 10, 2015
Honey, you are almost as good an artist as Picasso. I love all the different colors and lines you have created. Love,
-- Gram and Papaw
- on June 10, 2015
Honey, these are beautiful flowers...they are so colorful. They would make a beautiful bouquet. Love,
-- Gram and Papaw
- on June 10, 2015
Connor, I love your blue owl. He looks like he could just fly into the air. And what a pretty bowl. Blue is such a beautiful color, just like the sky where your owl will fly. Love,
-- Gram and Papaw
- on June 10, 2015
Hi Connor, We loved seeing all of your artwork, but as I told Kellie, your owl seems to be one of my favorites...and I just love your bowl. You are very creative, honey. Keep up the good work, Sweetie. We love you. Gram and Papaw
-- Teresa aka Gram
- on June 10, 2015
Hi Honey, your artwork is beautiful. Papaw and I enjoyed looking at it very much. You will have to continue making beautiful things this summer. Keep up the good work, Buddy. We love you.
-- Gram and Papaw
- on June 10, 2015
Connor, that is so cool!! Meme could never do anything like that. I just love it and I love you too??. Meme
-- Meme
- on June 10, 2015
Meme loves the flowers!! They would look so pretty in my garden??. Love you, Meme
-- Meme
- on June 4, 2015
Connor: what a great job! I love the blue. Keep doing good work. Love you, Meme
-- Meme
- on June 3, 2015