Leah5035's Comments (34)

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Below are comments about Leah5035's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Nice, Leah! Looks like you support the National Park Rangers! Nice work.
- Grandpa on September 19, 2020
Subtle color combos. Beautiful.
-- Grandpa
- on September 19, 2020
Very complex! Could stand a little more color. Nice though.
-- Grandpa
- on September 19, 2020
Gorgeous color choices and unusual combinations. I like! And Blue piece hanging over the border? Nice touch!
-- Grandpa
- on September 19, 2020
One of my all time favs. On the coffee mug from which I am drinking my morning coffee!
-- Grandpa
- on September 19, 2020
Another example of the striking colors! And orange is a true favorite!
-- Grandpa
- on September 19, 2020
As usual........brilliant! Nice job Leah. I really like vivid colors. Just gandpa’s Thing, and the happiness, seen in your work.
-- Grandpa
- on September 19, 2020
Leah, this has some characteristics of a Miro-like piece. Outstanding piece of work!
-- Grandpa
- on November 21, 2018
Beautiful, Leah! Stunning piece in your rapidly develing, skilled repertoire! Please keep it up!! Very nice.
-- Grandpa
- on October 31, 2018
Once again, nice beautiful work, Leah! Very intricately done. Nice color work also.
-- Grandpa
- on October 31, 2018
Great work, Leah!! The abstract work here illustrates your concepts of the world as you perceive it! Beautiful, unusual color combinations in this piece of work.
-- Grandpa
- on October 31, 2018
Wow! Leah I love the combination of colors. You can explain the assignment, use of colors and the many smaller pictures with in the larger picture. Great job! Pepere. See you soon! Keep it up!
-- Pepere
- on May 2, 2018
Impressive, to say the least. Impressionistic at the very least.
-- Grandpa
- on March 25, 2018
Nice under the sea visual. Great work, Leah! That is a very interesting piece of artwork.
-- Grandpa
- on March 25, 2018
Is this a self portrait? Of Miss Leah? Nice work!
-- Grandpa Jim
- on March 25, 2018
Gorgeous rendition of colors, Leah! Such good art. I am envious of your skills!
-- Grandpa Jim
- on March 25, 2018
Very nice... I like the color choices!
-- Grandma
- on March 25, 2018
I like it!!
-- Grandpa
- on February 7, 2018
Gorgeous! A lot of color here. Nice work!
-- Grandpa Jim
- on February 7, 2018
Nice job, Leah! Maybe a little more color?? Just a Grandpa preference. Outstanding otherwise!
-- Grandpa Jim
- on February 7, 2018
Very complex and beautifully done. Could this be a National Geographic picture? I think so. Very well done, Miss Leah! Exceptionally well done. Keep it up!
-- Grandpa
- on February 7, 2018
Leah, I love how you have combined the elements common to snow-persons yet with individual effects of each. For example, the black top hat on one, the distinctive black scarves on two, and the jolly yellow and orange scarves on the other two, the placement of the four, each in its own corner, while each appears to be gazing down at the viewers -- you and me. Heart-warming picture. Combines balance, diversity in color and placement on the "canvas." Shows a sense of humor and a keen eye for detail. Bundle up, it's cold out there! Happy brush strokes, Pepere.
-- Pepere
- on April 26, 2017
Awesome and almost surreal......almost.
-- Grandpa Jim
- on March 29, 2017
My goodness Leah! How neat! Looks like an Urban Cowboy to me with the Moon to his back??? Beautiful colors with so much detail. Grandpa wants you to KEEP IT UP!
-- Grandpa
- on March 29, 2017
Very complex. A lot of chaos depicted here. A human figure depicted in the background. Nice.
-- Grandpa
- on February 2, 2017
Almost a Miro! Excellent!
-- Grandpa
- on February 2, 2017
With this it just keeps getting better and better. The color combos are so pretty and complementary. Very good visual cartoon descriptions of the fish. Great job, Leah. Keep it up.
-- Grandpa
- on February 2, 2017
Love all the little fishes in the deep blue sea?
-- Nana
- on February 2, 2017
This renders a feeling of 3 dimensional context and a widely variable color pallete. The combination of colors and shapes suggest to me a deep understanding of these elements by this young artist. Truly.
-- Grandpa Jim
- on November 16, 2016
Extraordinary, brilliant color combinations! Not because orange is my favorite color, but because these colors are striking and as usual with Leah complementary and just stunning.
-- Grandpa Jim
- on November 16, 2016
Great fish! Dr. Suess needs this one!
-- Nana
- on November 16, 2016
Absolutely exceptional. Unusual, but complementary color combinations. Great work, Leah! Keep this exhilarating work up! Impressive work, as usual!
-- Grandpa Jim
- on November 16, 2016
Pepere and I really like your sunflower artwork! The varied colors of your petals are quite beautiful and the central disc is amazing! However did you create this?
-- Nana
- on October 18, 2016
Wow! And from a 6 year old Angel!! Thank you so much for this opportunity.
-- Grandpa, Jim
- on May 3, 2016