Olivia19277's Comments (42)

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Below are comments about Olivia19277's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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this is nice we like the colors . Maybe you can use it for flowers.
- Diann on June 14, 2020
Nice colors we are glad to see that you are keeping busy. Does the apron mean that you have been doing some cooking?
- Diann , Papa and Grandma on April 8, 2020
really nice with a lot of good detail. It looks like you. Love, Grandma and Papa
- Diann on April 8, 2020
really nice with a lot of good detail. It looks like you. Love, Grandma and Papa
- Diann on April 8, 2020
- Kirk on April 8, 2020
Very cool project. I loved the paint job on it
- Kirk on April 8, 2020
Very nice seems like that you do a very good job with art and all of your projects you must like it a lot
-- Diann
- on April 18, 2018
Papa instantly knew this was a snow man. It looks a lot like the one in front of your house but in grey. Keep up the good work. Papa and Grandma
-- Diann
- on April 18, 2018
this is really nice. It is very creative.
-- Papa and Grandma
- on April 18, 2018
This is very pretty. I like the colors
-- Sarah
- on December 18, 2017
I love this picture of you and lucky. You both look super cool
-- Sarah
- on October 30, 2017
I love this picture that you made. The colors are very bright. I love your starry night/candy night. This is one of my favorite pictures.
-- Sarah
- on October 30, 2017
Papa and I like the colors in this picture. W also like the CAT in the front.
-- Diann
- on October 30, 2017
love these colors . Papa say it is interesting looking.
-- Grandma and Papa
- on October 30, 2017
This is a very different kind of monster. It seems as if it has some what of a cat appearance with a tail, whiskers and a cat nose. It is very creative and colorful. Keep up your good work.
-- Grandma and Papa
- on October 30, 2017
I love your blue dancer
-- Kirk
- on October 30, 2017
Love it ??
-- Kirk
- on October 30, 2017
This is a masterpiece it is done so well. We are impressed Grandma and Papa
-- Diann
- on October 30, 2017
Grandpa and I really like this colorful fish. It is very unusual. We like the colors that you used with the dark background. Keep up the good work.
-- Diann
- on October 30, 2017
So cool I love the colors.
-- Kirk
- on October 30, 2017
Some how we missed this fantastic artwork. It is really neat and has many pretty colors in it.
-- Grandma and Grandpa
- on October 30, 2017
We really like the colors. Blue is one of our favorites. Nice job.
-- Grandma and Grandpa
- on October 30, 2017
I love your art work its so cool, love daddy
-- Kirk
- on October 30, 2017
We like your first project of the year. It looks like a very happy girl who love colors. Keep up the good work. love, Pa Pa and Grandma
-- Diann
- on October 30, 2017
we are not sure what this is but the colors are nice.
-- Papa and Grandma
- on October 30, 2017
we like the colors of the balloons.
-- Papa and Grandma
- on October 30, 2017
We really like the rainbow. This looks like it took a long time to make the box.
-- Papa and Grandma
- on October 30, 2017
We like the colors and especially the rainbow. Keep up the good work. love, Papa and Grandma
-- Pa pa and Grandma
- on October 30, 2017
We really like your insects.
-- Papa and Grandma
- on October 30, 2017
Olivia, Papa and I really impressed with your insects. They look very real. We would like to see them close up. Good job.
-- Papa and Grandma
- on October 30, 2017
I love it????
-- Kirk
- on October 30, 2017
Papa and I like the colors in this artwork.
-- Diann
- on October 30, 2017
Papa and I are impressed with your artwork. Those creatures look very real to us.
-- Diann
- on October 30, 2017
we really like this project as it is very unusual and colorful
-- Papa and Grandma
- on October 30, 2017
So cool it will light up our home
-- Kirk
- on October 30, 2017
I love the hair in this picture.
-- Mommy
- on November 19, 2015
Super cool colors in this picture. You are doing great
-- Mommy
- on November 19, 2015
This is great! I love this farm :)
-- Mommy
- on November 19, 2015
We like the colors in this picture. Your stars are very nice. They look like Christmas. Grandpa says it is very colorful.
-- Grandma and Papa
- on November 19, 2015
I'm so proud of my little artist, art is a family talent and your taking off like a star.??
-- Kirk
- on November 19, 2015
very nice we like all the bright colors
-- grandma and Papa
- on November 19, 2015
We love this picture and all the different colors it has. Keep on drawing.
-- Grandma and Papa
- on September 26, 2015