Logan17144's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Logan17144's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Dear Logan, Your artwork is very neat. I really like it. Love, Payton
-- Payton
- on April 13, 2016
Hi Logan! I love your artwork! You pasted so neatly and carefully. I'm so happy that you used so much blue because it's my favorite color. Is it your favorite color too?
-- Aunt Nancy
- on April 13, 2016
Dear Logan, I love your beautiful artwork. I really love your orange squares. You really did a good job!
-- Great Aunt Nancy
- on April 13, 2016
Dear Logan, I love seeing your art work. 'You are a very good artist! Love, Auint Nancy
-- Nancy
- on April 13, 2016