Jocelyn2583's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Jocelyn2583's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Interesting and creative! Is that Jocelyn's fingerprint, blown up? A"self-portrait" of sorts?
-- mike c
- on March 2, 2017
Jocelyn, you have a great sense of color and style! Your great grandmother Jocelyn, also an artist, would have been so proud and pleased to see your work! Love you, gc
-- Cati
- on March 2, 2017
Another artist in the family! Your Great-Granny would be so proud! GC
-- Cati
- on November 2, 2016
I love it! Well done!
-- Summer
- on February 3, 2016
A most interesting work of art, Jocelyn! I would love to hear more about it! Love you, GC
-- Cati
- on July 22, 2015
Amazing! Fantastic attention to detail (and I know, cause I visited that building)!
- on June 22, 2015
Very nice!
-- Mike
- on April 22, 2015
Fantastic use of light and shape. Really impressive!
- on April 20, 2015
Very interesting differences in each technique.
- on April 20, 2015
I Love It!!! Beautiful and Lively!! I love the Colors and the Lines!! :)
-- Uncle Steve
- on November 18, 2014
Hello Jocelyn, My my, you are a published artist! Well done. Better than I can do. W
-- Wayne
- on November 18, 2014
A Star in born! Is that snow or sand in the back yard? Does Jocelyn do people? Maybe a Mona Lisa!
-- Grandpa Bob
- on November 18, 2014