Channing, we loved your art work. Grandpa thinks it's a kite and I think it's a firecracker. Whose the closest? Also, explain how you made it. Hugs, Love, Grandma Vicky & Grandpa Roy -- Vicky
- on April 18, 2015
Hi Chan, Like your creation. It looks like a Chinese fish kite sideways. -- GP Roy
- on April 18, 2015
Channing great art work! Is this a fold and cut picture or how did you make this one? Thanks for showing us your beautiful art work. Hugs, Grandma Vicky -- Vicky
- on April 11, 2015
Looks very nice! -- Dad
- on April 11, 2015
Channing, that is very interesting. You have made some unique projects in that art class. Even grandpa and I have learned some things. Keep up the fantastic work! Love you, Grandma Vicky -- Vicky
- on April 11, 2015
Great job Bud! -- Sam
- on April 11, 2015
very good art work -- Dick
- on March 14, 2015
Channing, what a great bookmark! I like the whole idea and when grandpa sees it, he will love it. Very clever. Hugs, Grandma Vicky -- Vicky
- on January 16, 2015
Channing, that is beautiful! It looks like a snowflake but we don't know what it is made of!! It looks like maybe chalk? Let us know the secret! Hugs and kisses, Love, Grandma -- Vicky
- on December 17, 2014
Looks like a snow flake. Nice job! -- GP Roy
- on December 14, 2014
Great job Channing! It looks like one of those.Russian dolls. Love, Grandma & Grandpa -- Vicky
- on November 30, 2014
This is wonderful! I love the colors! -- Love, Mom