Wow Mimi, This is a pretty WILD cat. Colorful!! Good job. I love you. Grammy -- Grammy
- on June 4, 2015
Absolutely love this!!! How creative! Lots going on! XOXO Mommy
- on June 3, 2015
Mimi - I like the muted colors! Almost like the mild Northern Lights..or reflection of the sunset on Higgins Lake! XOXO Mommy
- on June 2, 2015
This is a really cool picture. Pretty colors. It looks like the silhouette of a person flying with her arms out front and hair flowing back. I love you, See you soon, Grammy -- Grammy
- on June 2, 2015
Wow Mimi, there's room in this castle for Grampy and I to move in with you. Nice work, I think you might grow up to be an architect. I love you, we'll see you Friday. Love and hugs, Grammy -- Grammy
- on May 20, 2015
Love this!! When can we move in?! Mimi, you are a fabulous artist! I am so proud! XOXO Mommy
- on May 19, 2015
Cool Happy Birthday Cat! The colors are great! XOXO Mommy
- on April 21, 2015
Hi Mimi, Very interesting. Looks like a great Birthday present. Mine is next, then Izzy's then Forrest's. I love your artwork. Keep up the creativity. Hugs and Kisses, Grammy -- Grammy
- on April 22, 2015
Hi Mimi, You can tell me all about this work of art tomorrow. See you soon. I love you, Grammy -- Karyl
- on April 16, 2015
Very creative! Love the American Flag! Didn't forget Elsa did you ?!?! Is one of them you? xoxo Mommy
- on April 15, 2015
A bit mysterious! You will have to tell me ALL about it! xoxo Mommy
- on April 15, 2015
Hi Mimi, For some reason I think this would be a cute piece of jewelry. Maybe because I had a pin of a cat once. Cute cat! Keep up the creativity. I love you. Grammy -- Karyl
- on April 8, 2015
Love cat!!! Can't wait to hear about it! xoxo Mommy
- on March 25, 2015
Hi Madelyn, You'll have to tell me all about this picture. I love your details and colorful work. I miss you Dearie. Love and kisses, Grammy -- Grammy
- on March 17, 2015
Hi Mimi, Your Lorax is terrific. Grandpa saw him too. He thinks you are amazing. I love the smile Lorax has. Pretty darn cute! Love you, hope to see you soon. Grammy -- Grammy
- on March 12, 2015
Your Lorax is fabulous!!! Gave me a great chuckle!!!! Wonderful job! XOXOX Mommy
- on March 11, 2015
I like this!!! Makes you really think about what is going on and what the artist (YOU) are attempting to express!!! XOXO Mommy
- on March 4, 2015
Hi Mimi, I love to get your artwork. Hope to see you really soon. Love and hugs, Grammy -- grammy
- on March 4, 2015
Love the fish!!! The seahorse is my fave!!! xoxo Mommy
- on February 16, 2015
These are awesome!!! Very creative! xoxo Mommy
- on February 16, 2015
Dear Mimi, I love all of your artwork. This one and "Under the Sea" are both very creative. Good job. I love you, Grammy -- Grammy
- on February 16, 2015
This is an interesting house! I love the dog and the birdie. You'll have to tell me about it. Love you, Grammy -- Grammy
- on January 30, 2015
Great house!!! I would love to live there!!!! Must be Chloe warning folks off in the top window!!! Great job!! XOXOXO Mommy
- on January 27, 2015
Absolutely fabulous!!!!!! TOO funny!!! She has OUR mouth!!! XOXO Mommy
- on January 7, 2015
Dear Mimi, I REALLY LOVE this. It made me laugh!! I love you, Grammy -- Grammy
- on January 7, 2015
Very cool dolphin! I know how you like them! I am very proud of you and your creativity! XOXO Mommy
- on November 26, 2014
Love it Mimi! Reminds me of a warm summer day! XOXO Mommy
- on November 26, 2014
Dear Mimi, This is a beautiful artwork. I love seeing what you are doing and I'm very impressed. I love you dearly. xoxoxoxox Grammy -- grammy
- on November 26, 2014
Hey kiddo!!! Love the flying cats! Quite an imagination you have!! XOXO, Mommy
- on October 30, 2014
Hi Mimi, I just love this picture, pretty interesting I've got to say. You'll have to tell me the story behind it. Cute, cute, cute. I love you, Sweetie. XOXOXOXOXO Grammy -- grammy
- on October 30, 2014
Mimi, Your flower is more beautiful than you describe it to be!!!! I love it!!!! XOXO, Mommy
- on October 13, 2014
Dear Mimi, Beautiful flower. I love the colors. Great job. It would look pretty on a t-shirt!! Or pretty much anything. Love, hugs and kisses, Grammy -- Karyl