Brady4250's Comments (73)

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Below are comments about Brady4250's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Brady, I love your latest art project. It is beautiful. You did a wonderful job! Love,
- Nana on December 18, 2019
Wow, this picture is a real work of art. It's absolutely beautiful. The sky is amazing. Definitely one of my favorites! Great job Brady, love Meme and Pa
- Meme on December 18, 2019
Brady, Pa and I think this picture is really cool. Great job. You are so creative, keep up the good work. ????
- Meme on November 29, 2019
Hey, Brady, Love your fall landscape drawing Good choice of colors. Love you!
- Nana on October 23, 2019
Another great piece of art. Super job Brady, Pa and I love it.
- Meme on October 23, 2019
Love your picture, Brady. Your cat reminds me of the cat (Kitty) that Grandpa and I had. I am so excited that I will be seeing you in a couple of weeks (plus a few days). Love,
-- Nana
- on July 17, 2019
Brady, Pa and I love your stained glass art. You did a great job!. You are do creative. We look forward to your next piece of artwork. Love you, Meme and Pa
-- Meme
- on July 17, 2019
Woooo, that's a scary, creepy picture, but it's awesome too. Great job. Love, Meme and Pa
-- Meme
- on July 17, 2019
Brady, I love your picture...makes me feel cold just looking at it! Great job. Love,
-- Nana
- on December 7, 2018
Another great piece of Art Brady. It looks so unique with all the different shades of color in the sky. Great job. Love, Mimi and Pa
-- Mimi and Pa
- on December 7, 2018
Great picture of a boat. You put so much detail in this picture, you did a really great job. Love
-- Meme and Pa
- on December 7, 2018
Love your boat, Brady. Maybe Grandpa and I will see one like it on our cruise. Love,
-- Nana Phyllis
- on December 7, 2018
Brady, You did a wonderful job painting this picture of the boat and ocean! Great job. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Love,
-- Nana
- on December 7, 2018
Another great piece of art Brady. Pa and I are very proud of the good work you do. Love you
-- Meme and Pa
- on April 2, 2018
Wow! Great job! Nice colors & proportions. Keep up the great work!
-- Grandpa
- on April 2, 2018
This is a great picture of all your art utensils that you have used to create those super pieces of artwork, all here in this drawing. Very creative!
-- Meme and Pa
- on April 2, 2018
Brady, have you been to the big hcity recently? Wow, this picture sure looks like you have, all these tall buildings look like a city. What a great job. I recognized T-Bones right away. You did a super job. This picture is definitely one of my favorites.
-- Meme and Pa
- on April 2, 2018
You did a wonderful job with this project, Brady. I like the names you chose for the buildings. Of course, my favorite is T-Bones and Cactus Jacks!! Love,
-- Nana Phyllis
- on April 2, 2018
Great job Brady. The detail makes it look so real. Pa and I love seeing all your great artwork. Love, Meme and Ps
-- Meme and Pa
- on April 2, 2018
Excellent work, Brady. Your choice of colors made him quite a handsome tiger. Love,
-- Nana Phyllis
- on April 2, 2018
I love snow globes and yours is beautiful! Love you,
-- Nana
- on January 24, 2018
I love snow globes and yours is a great one, especially with the snowflakes coming down. Good job Brady! Love,
-- Nana Phyllis
- on January 24, 2018
What a really nice looking snowglobe Brady. Pa and I love it. You did a great job. Boy, if I saw a snowglobe like this in the store, I would buy it. Love you??
-- Meme and Pa
- on January 24, 2018
Wow! Brady, what a great picture, love the detail on the shirt. Looking forward to your next piece of artwork on Artisonia. Love you, Meme and Pa
-- Meme
- on November 27, 2017
Wow, what a great picture. looks just like you!
-- Grandpa
- on November 27, 2017
What a great job you did, Brady, on this artwork. The fish look so real. You have a great imagination and I love the colors you chose. Good Job!
-- Meme and Pa
- on November 27, 2017
Hey, Brady, I was excited to see your newest art project. I love it! Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks. All my love,
-- Nana
- on October 11, 2017
Good job, Brady. A very New Hampshire landscape. Love the snowcapped mountains. Love,
-- Nana Phyllis
- on October 11, 2017
I love your colorful under sea picture, especially the big purple fish. Great job Brady. Love,
-- Nana Phyllis
- on May 3, 2017
Brady, Pa and I love your new painting of a windy day. There is so much detail! The boy on the boat looks great and I love the way he's wearing his hat. Great job. We love you,
-- Meme
- on May 3, 2017
Brady, Another masterpiece!! I love seeing your artwork AND I loved seeing you when you visited Grandpa and me. All our love,
-- Nana
- on May 3, 2017
Great catch with the snowflake, Brady! Love you lots!
-- Nana
- on December 14, 2016
I love it!!! What a terrific job you did. It makes me want to go outside and catch a snowflake on my tongue - except it's stopped snowing. Love
-- Nana Phyllis
- on December 14, 2016
I love the bright sunny sky. I can almost feel the warm sun. And you included lots of grass for the animals to graze on. Great job, Brady. Love,
-- Nana Phyllis
- on November 16, 2016
Brady, I am always so excited to see your wonderful artwork. You are so talented. Thank you for sharing your newest picture! Love,
-- Nana
- on November 16, 2016
Brady, Pa and I love your new artwork. The colors around the moon look fantastic. You sure are a gesture Artist. Keep up the beautiful work. We love you
-- Meme and Pa
- on November 9, 2016
Brady, Pa and I really love this piece of artwork. It is so different. We think you did a great job! Can't wait to see the next artwork you do. I'm sure it will be as amazing as this one. We love you, Meme and Pa
-- Meme
- on November 3, 2016
Brady, Love your newest art colorful. Looking forward to seeing you in November. Love you,
-- Nana
- on November 3, 2016
Great job, Brady. It looks good enough to eat! Love,
-- Nana Phyllis
- on November 3, 2016
Brady, Your ice cream cone looks good enough to eat! DE-licious. Can't wait to see you in April. Love you,
-- Nana
- on November 3, 2016
Hey, Brady, just saw your "Crazy Cat" - he is great. I am so excited to be able to see your art work. Love you,
-- Nana
- on November 3, 2016
Brady, Is this your street where you live? It looks like a snowy day on a cold winter day. Great job. Love you.
-- Meme and Pa
- on November 3, 2016
Brady, Pa and I thought your train was super! You are a great Artist! You draw so well, it's a perfect train. Love you
-- Meme and Pa
- on November 3, 2016
I can almost hear the train chugging down the tracks, and you even have the cow catcher on the front end! Good job. Love,
-- Nana Phyllis
- on December 11, 2015
You did a wonderful job with this project, Brady. I love the colorful houses. Love,
-- Nana Phyllis
- on November 25, 2015
Brady - Your "cozy winter town" is beautiful. I can almost feel the snowflakes on my face. Love you lots!
-- Nana
- on December 11, 2015
Your mice are really cute, Brady, and I like the bright colors - especially the purple! Love,
-- Nana Phyllis
- on December 11, 2015
Awesome work. Your flowers are beautiful
-- Grandpa
- on September 30, 2015
What beautiful flowers. You did a great job Brady. Love,
-- Nana Phyllis
- on September 30, 2015
Wow, what a great picture. Pa and I are going to frame it so that we will have it forever. Great Job! Love, Meme and Pa
-- Meme and Pa
- on September 30, 2015
Brady, Great picture - you are quite an artist! Love you
-- Nana
- on September 30, 2015
I think this is a really cool flower because it is so colorful. Great job. I wish I had flowers like this in my flower garden. Love you, Meme
-- Meme
- on July 29, 2015
Brady, I love your newest piece of art. It is so bright and cheery. I miss you and love you!
-- Nana
- on July 29, 2015
Wow, Brady, Pa and I love your picture of the fish and especially the background that is so shiny. Looks like you did a lot of work making this picture. Great Job! We love you,
-- Meme and Pa
- on June 10, 2015
Wow, Brady, that is a super picture of a fish. I love the background, it's so shiny! This picture makes me want to go fishing. Love you
-- Meme and Pa
- on June 10, 2015
Hi, Brady, I love your Coo Moo Moo picture - great job! Grandpa and I were so happy to see you this past weekend. Lots of Love!
-- Nana
- on May 26, 2015
Great job on your cow, Brady. I can almost hear her moo. Love,
-- Nana Phyllis
- on May 26, 2015
Grandpa and I have lots of birds in our yard, including turkeys, but none as colorful as the ones in your picture. Great job Brady. Love,
-- Nana Phyllis
- on April 16, 2015
Brady we really love your new artwork with your house and the trees. And you did a great job drawing the stairs leading to the front door. Pa and I are so proud of you. We think you are a super Artist. Love you,
-- Meme and Pa
- on March 24, 2015
Great job, Brady! Looks just like your house. Love you.
-- Nana
- on March 24, 2015
What a beautiful house, Brady. I love the red door. Good job with the trees and nice green grass instead of snow. Love,
-- Nana Phyllis
- on March 24, 2015
This is my favorite artwork! It is beautiful! Love, Mommy
-- Danielle
- on March 16, 2015
We have the cutting board you gave us for Christmas with this beautiful flower design on display in our kitchen. Grandpa and I love it. It reminds us of a bright Spring day even though we still have lots of snow. Good job, Brady. Love from us.
-- Nana Phyllis
- on March 16, 2015
Brady, Your heart is beautiful! You are a very talented artist with a great eye for color. You are in our heart everyday.
-- Grandpa
- on February 13, 2015
Brady, Just love your Flying Hearts creation!!!! Love you!
-- Nana
- on February 13, 2015
Brady, your artwork is fantastic. I have bought a mug, a keychain, cutting boards and luggage tags. I loved picking a different design for each item I purchased. Keep up the good work. I love watching the website to see the next new artwork. Love you
-- Meme
- on December 12, 2014
Brady, Wow, awesome use of the primary colors to create a unique drawing all your own
-- Grandpa
- on December 12, 2014
Brady, What a talented artist you are. I love the colors you chose for your "modern" art piece. Love you!
-- Nana
- on December 12, 2014
Brady, I love your penguin - he looks as if he may be very cold! Great artistry. Love you,
-- Nana
- on December 2, 2014
Hi Brady, I love your Penguin Art. I think all the Art you have done is GREAT but I think Penguin Art might be my very best favorite of all. I love you, Meme
-- Meme
- on December 2, 2014
Grandpa and I are glad we got to tell you in person Friday how much we enjoyed your pictures, especially your smiley face one. Nana Phyllis.
-- Nana Phyllis
- on October 22, 2014
What a great picture of you Brady. Pa and I thought you did a Super job. I think you're going to be an artist some day.
-- Meme
- on October 10, 2014
Brady, I love your artwork. Great job!!! Can't wait to see your next picture. Nana
-- Nana
- on October 10, 2014