Wow she has real talent .I could not paint that good in high school. -- Dad
- on December 9, 2015
What a beautiful little girl Ashley! -- Mommy
- on November 25, 2015
This looks so cool Ashley! I love it! -- Mommy
- on November 25, 2015
I love the colors you chose for this piece Ashley! -- Mommy
- on November 25, 2015
Hi Ashley, I love your art work. Love, Grandma --
- on March 4, 2015
This makes me want to jump up and spin around! I love how you design with so many different shapes. Lovely, lovely! This could be a new design for an amusement park ride. See you soon. -- Yaya
- on March 4, 2015
This makes me want to jump up and spin around! What a happy picture, makes me think of things I've seen at amusement parks like Six Flags. Maybe you should send it to Six Flags for a new design for one of their rides! Pop Pop says it makes him want to dance. -- Yaya
- on March 4, 2015
I love your picture! You are a wonderful artist. Love, Aunt Debbie -- Aunt Debbie
- on March 4, 2015
This is a lovely piece Ashley! Love - Mom
- on January 26, 2015
Hi Ashley, Your art is beautiful; great job! Love, Grandma
- on January 26, 2015
I love your art work Ashley! -- Grandma
- on December 25, 2014
Ashley, This is amazing! I love the colors you have used and how you combined all these shapes. You are a wonderful little artist. Love, YaYa and Pop Pop -- YaYa
- on December 16, 2014
I really like this piece Ashley! Very nice! -- Mom