I love the bat you made for your fall collage! You are so creative! I cannot wait to see your next work of art! -- Mom & Dad
- on November 23, 2015
Hannah, I love how creative your new character for Inside Out is! Curiosity is an excellent idea! I love the colors you used and how you represented curiosity in this picture. You did an amazing job!! Love, Mom and Dad
- on September 14, 2015
You did an amazing job on this! We are so proud of you! -- Mom and Dad
- on April 30, 2015
Hannah your art work is absolutely terrific! I love them. You did an awesome job. Keep creating things your great at it! Love Aunt Amy -- Amy
- on December 13, 2014
I love the colors you used in this picture. Your caterpillar makes me smile every time I see it! Love, Mom and Dad -- Mom & Dad
- on December 13, 2014
Hannah, You did an amazing job on your artwork! What a masterpiece! Love, Mom & Dad