Carson5057's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Carson5057's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Even if you tried to colorfully cut them out I still found all the letters in your name Mr Ch!
-- Kristen
- on June 10, 2015
2015!! Wow Carson that's so cool! Now I know why you asked about that artist. My favorite Number painting is The Number 5 in Gold. Research it!!
-- Kristen
- on June 10, 2015
Carson, if that is icing on crackers, I'd like to eat them. Clever work. Love you,
-- Paula
- on March 13, 2015
This i a happy piece Carson! I like that it reminds me of wet paint chips when I started to learn about color myself. YOU GO GET EM little starting artist!
-- Kristen
- on March 13, 2015
Carson I love it; the way you love art so much! I like your colors and design. I love everything about you as a person! Keep learning and keep doing! -- Kristen
- on January 8, 2015
That is freaky, and cool, and creative too.
-- Kenneth
- on October 22, 2014
Cool! It looks like they are suspended in air like balloons floating in the sky. It almost feels like I could reach out and grab one from the canvas. Good job.
-- Kenneth
- on October 2, 2014
Can I love this art work any more? You know i love sea turtles & this piece made me jump up and down with excitement! It reminds me of the Hawaii trip with you... Both times! I like all your patterns and the shape of your turtle design! Of all the surfers in the world, YOU ARE THE MOST FUN TO WATCH! Thank you for being the best student EVER also sweet Carson!
-- Kristen
- on October 2, 2014
Fall is my favorite time of year! Its my favorite because that's when my parents could spen more time with us at home. Your art stirs happy emotions in my memory like when the Park was closed & i could go rollers skating in the empty Arcade! One time at the school carnival my daddy brought his dremel tool and carved children's names on prize trinket bracelets... I was so proud of mine & my cool dad! I'm super proud of you Carson!!! Your hard work and following directions from your teacher is really cranking out some cool art!
-- Kristen
- on October 2, 2014
I LOVE it Carson! Good strong color and you did excellent repetition! Looks like you have a steady hand there babe!
-- Kristen
- on September 11, 2014