Emily29915's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Emily29915's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Name: Emily29915 Title: Dodge and Burn Describe: The picture is taken on a porch of snowflake lights against the sunset. Analyze: The emphasis is on the snowflake lights. Interpret: I think it’s trying to show how beautiful nature is and the snowflake lights made it even more beautiful. Judgement: I think it’s a good piece of artwork because of the many colors in it.
-- Emily L
- on December 16, 2014
This is a picture of what looks like the country with a beautiful sunset. There are two pictures, one seems to be edited, with a vibrant blue sky. I noticed there was pattern and repetition through the shapes of the clouds, and I think that the sky is the maid eye grabber. This photograph, to me, portrays a positive vibe and that you should always look on the bright side of things. I think that this is a successful photo because of the color balance that you added to it.
-- Katie
- on December 16, 2014
I like this picture because you know its the picture of our flag and its patriotism. What this means to me is that this picture makes me proud because it kinda defines me of where I was born and what this place has done to me. What I like about this picture is that its kinda swirled I can say and its amazing. What I don't like about this picture is that you could have done much more than this.
-- Cyn
- on December 16, 2014
This is a picture of a focused artificial light-up snowflake hanging on a porch, in front of a blurry background. The shape and the textured make the snowflake stand out against the rest of the image. I think that this photograph is just a representation of winter and a beautiful picture showing that the season is starting. I really like the fact that the background is beautiful and complex with the sunset and the tree branches, yet it doesn't take away from the center-of-interest.
-- Brittany
- on December 16, 2014
This photo is of the person's eye with a barn unfocused in the background. The eye grabber that is viewed first would be the eye, but then the barn starts to come into focus. The background effect the artist used to place the barn in the background makes the photo look more meaningful. The idea of injustice being portrayed in this photograph is very powerful to me. I agree with the photographer that the meaning is that some people might think it's unfair for somebody to live a good life, while their life struggles. It, to me, is a person looking at the fortune of somebody else, wishing it was theirs. I think this image was a great success because of the layered pictures and how the first one is more faint than the other.
-- Katie
- on December 16, 2014
Description: This is a picture of a tree. Analyze: They way the fog in the background of the picture makes it look balanced and calm. Interpretation: This photo makes me feel calm Judgement: You could have cut out the bit of pavement to make the picture look more complete.
-- Evan
- on December 16, 2014