Evan10730's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Evan10730's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You did a great job on that basket, Evan!
-- Martha
- on April 25, 2016
Arrr-gumently the best pirate ship I've seen! Awesome job and keep up the good work! Love, Dad
- on October 5, 2015
Evan, I really like this drawing, especially the choice of colors of blue and a few shades of green! Love it!! Very proud of your drawing. Love, Dad
- on May 19, 2015
This is so beautiful! Good job Evan! I love the colors!
- on May 19, 2015
This is so beautiful! Great job Evan! I love the colors!
-- Martha
- on May 19, 2015
What a great map! It has so much useful information and thanks to you, I know a little bit more about our lovely state of Florida!
-- Dad
- on December 12, 2014
I love this drawing and the use of different shapes and colors. Way to go Evan!
- on October 10, 2014
Beautiful artwork, Evan! I can tell that the color blue is your favorite! Keep up the good work! I can't wait to see more! Love, Mom
-- Martha
- on October 1, 2014