Crosby32's Comments (23)

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Below are comments about Crosby32's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Crosby Interesting piece of artwork! What was the assignment and what did you create? Keep working hard!
- Grandma Sandy on October 29, 2020
I love it! Grandma Sandy
- Grandma Sandy on April 24, 2020
Great job Crosby! I just love all these stained glass chalk art!
- Grandma Sandy on April 24, 2020
Very good report and job drawing on Preisident Lincoln. Springfield is a nice town to visit and you learned a lot about Illinois history. Sounds like you had a fun and interesting day Crosby!
- Grandma Sandy on April 24, 2020
Interesting work Crosby!
-- Grandma Sandy
- on April 24, 2020
Nice job Crosby! I like your choice of colors!
-- Sandy
- on April 24, 2020
Very nice job Crosby!
-- Grandma Sandy
- on April 24, 2020
Good job, Crosby. I really like this! Love, Grandma Jackie
-- Jackie
- on December 6, 2017
I like it Crosby! Nice work - you are a good artist!
-- Grandma Sandy
- on November 25, 2017
Crosby, I love this piece of art. Very interesting. Love, Grandma Jackie
-- Jackie
- on November 25, 2017
Nice work Crosby! I would like to hear more about this project!
-- Grandma Sandy
- on October 11, 2017
Nice job Crosby! I see Token and Carson are out playing with you!
-- Grandma Sandy
- on April 17, 2016
Hi Crosby - Scary creature - looks like one of your guys from Minecraft! You are such a good artist!
-- Grandma Sandy
- on May 11, 2015
Very cool Crosby. You will have to show it to me on our next visit.
-- Grandma Sandy
- on May 7, 2015
Very interesting Crosby! Is that stormy weather? keep drawing!
-- Grandma Sandy
- on April 22, 2015
Nice work Crosby! You are such a good artist!
-- Grandma Sandy
- on April 5, 2015
Nice snowman Crosby! Maybe you will get to make one like it outside tomorrow! Keep up the nice work! Love you, Grandma Sandy
-- Sandy
- on February 1, 2015
Crosby, I love this piece of artwork. I like the colors that you used and the different sizes. Love, Grandma Jackie
-- Jackie
- on December 16, 2014
Good job, Crosby. I really like your tree. Love, Grandma Jackie
-- Jackie
- on December 10, 2014
Great job Crosby! Very interesting!
-- Grandma Sandy
- on December 5, 2014
Another great job Crosby! I love all the colors you used.
-- Grandma Sandy
- on November 16, 2014
Great Job Crosby! You are such a good artist!
-- Grandma Sandy
- on November 6, 2014
Great job Crosby!
-- Grandma Sandy
- on October 26, 2014