Adelynne6's Comments (19)

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Below are comments about Adelynne6's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This piece looks like a fun exercise in balance in composition and color and shapes yet has a lot of variety. Addie’s creativity amazes me! Good job kiddo
-- Dave
- on December 12, 2018
-- Cierra
- on October 16, 2017
I love this
-- Cierra
- on May 15, 2017
I love the bright colors Addie!
-- Mom
- on March 15, 2017
Like always your creations are wonderful. And I can see why your dad is like a water lily. Always floating on top of water and occasionally have a frog on his head
-- Papa
- on March 15, 2017
That's really cool, but I noticed one thing...I look nothing like that!!
-- Dad
- on March 10, 2017
I absolutely love this piece! Your sense of balance, space, color and movement yet it all wraps together so neatly and makes me happy to look at it! The blue heart in the center with what looks like the letter "A" in the middle of it. Keep up the great work Addie. - Papa D
-- Dave
- on November 23, 2016
That's not just a pumpkin, that's a Great Pumpkin! Your color choice, balance of all the objects on the canvas, you're a brilliant artist! Love it!
-- Dave
- on September 25, 2016
This is the cutest pumpkin!!!
-- Cierra
- on September 24, 2016
I Love " I Love Fall!", the way you used dark blue background with added gray sky helps enhance the contrast of the beautiful warm colors of the leaves on the tree and carpet of fallen leaves. Makes me want yo go out and rake them up just so my grandkids can jump in them. Keep up the great work Addie
-- Dave
- on September 14, 2016
I love "l Love Fall"! This piece is probably the Best representation of Fall I've ever seen! The use of color, balance, contrast (between warm and cool colors) is brilliant. Keep up the great work Addie, I'm a Big Fan
-- Papa
- on September 11, 2016
This is beautiful, Addie!
-- Cierra
- on September 9, 2016
I love this one too Addie! It looks as if it should be a stain-glass window at a very cozy home looking out a beautiful blue sky. Keep up the good work kiddo - Papa D
-- Dave
- on November 4, 2015
Love, love love this! The wide use of colors and how they work together for the background. Then the overlapping dark lines that create movement and with harmony! Beautiful Addie! You rock
-- Dave
- on October 28, 2015
Such beautiful artwork, Addie!
- on October 26, 2015
What a beautiful picture Addie, love the colors, shapes, design and of course, the variety of patterns. You are brilliant!
-- Dave
- on March 14, 2015
This is absolutely adorable! Way to go Addie! XO
-- Cierra
- on March 25, 2015
Absolutely beautiful recreation of Kandinsky Addie! I believe we actually have a poster of this work! Keep up the excellent work kiddo.
-- Papa
- on October 24, 2014
I remember seeing Mondrian's work as a junior high student at Chicago's Institute of Art. I'm a huge fan and I have to say, I got the same happy feeling seeing Addie's as I did seeing Piet's. You are such an awesome, creative and happy artist Addie! Keep creating
-- Papa
- on October 11, 2014