Corbin1361's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Corbin1361's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Well done, Corbin! The box has all the earmarks of Picasso - you're on target! And I love the color combo, especially the purple - it looks like Welch's grape purple!! Keep up the good work! Love, Nonni
- Zena (Nonni) on March 11, 2020
i love your colors & patterns! :)
-- Heather
- on March 12, 2019
The expressiveness is like Picasso, in vivid, vibrant colors also as Van Gogh, a las The Great Pumpkin. Really well done Corbin. D. C.
-- Dc
- on January 10, 2018
Corbin, this looks like the juiciest, ripest pumpkin ever! Good work! Love, Nonni and Grandpa Jim
-- Zena
- on January 10, 2018
This is wonderful! My favorite color is purple - how did you know? You do good work! Love, Nonni
-- Zena
- on November 8, 2017
Dear Corbin! This is a very imaginative piece of YOUR artwork! What a rainbow of colors you see in yourself! I hope your life is full of many rainbows of colors! Love, Nonni
-- Zena
- on February 8, 2017
very cool! :) would like to frame it... :)
-- Heather
- on February 10, 2016
very cool! love the specs! & love the blues... :)
- on June 1, 2015
Hi, Corbin! This is an excellent painting of yourself! I love it! Love, Nonni (Zena)
-- Zena
- on February 27, 2016
cool beans, man! very nice job! love it & the colors! :)
-- Heather
- on February 27, 2016
Dear Corbin! Your blue pottery creation is beautiful! Keep on letting your imagination soar! Love, Nonni
-- Zena
- on February 2, 2017
Dear Corbin, Your artwork is wonderful! How interesting to learn about the Mexican Holiday and then to paint such an inspired picture about it! I can almost taste the sugar in the real sugar skull! Well done, my dear Grandson! Love, Nonni 2-3-2015
-- Zena (Nonni)
- on February 18, 2015