Is that scratchart? I love the picture but do not see a title. -- Debbie
- on March 7, 2018
You heart art painting is cool. I wonder what medium the black part outline is of. -- Debbie
- on March 7, 2018
What a beautiful silouette you Created with pastel chalks. Looking at it Made me feel like I was in the desert During sunset. -- Debbie
- on November 22, 2017
This is a framer!! -- Ayo
- on April 12, 2017
That looks good enough to eat!!! -- Boppa
- on February 22, 2017
That paul klee cat you made is fabulous! How Fun to fly right over a city. Wish I Could do that. -- Meemaw
- on February 22, 2017
Aubrey Faith. Those penguins are so so cute! Me and Boppa are sitting here with big smiles on our face. Love You! -- Meemaw
- on January 25, 2017
I love the rich colors in this artwork. They would go well in my living room. -- Meemaw
- on January 4, 2017
We love your cityscape art!?? -- Debbie
- on March 4, 2016
It is crazy that she can make so Many teacups and then stack Them. -- Debbie
- on February 6, 2016
Aubrey i love your penguin. That is So crazy because i just wrapped Your Christmas present in paper That looks like your penguin art. -- Meemaw
- on January 6, 2016
Aubrey faith. Those sunflowers Would make vincent van smile His head off. Simply beautiful. -- Meemaw
- on November 18, 2015
Aubrey Faith, Your autumn pumpkin art brings to mind the beautiful season of fall. What a cool pumpkin. -- Debbie
- on October 21, 2015
That giraffe is having too much fun! We're loving it. -- Debbie
- on August 30, 2015
Aubrey faith, your artwork of the Vase of picked flowers is beautiful. It Shows your knowledge of all the different Types of flowers that grow around In the yard. Your colored drawing of Me and grandma captured my heart. It feels so good to you are happy To be with your grandmothers. -- Debbie
- on May 23, 2015
Aubrey. These Kandinsky circles Really caught my attention The Bright colors using simple circles In a pattern are fun to look at -- Debbie
- on March 13, 2015
Aubrey Faith, Your painting of the American flag actually looks like it is waving in the breeze. It makes me proud to be an American. Good job! -- Meemaw
- on November 21, 2014
My little gal Aubrey, I love your princess and the pea creation. What a lovely princess with a crown. She looks happy. I wish I could sleep on her many mattresses and still feel a pea. Good job, Love Mee maw -- debbie
- on November 5, 2014
Wow Aubrey, your artwork is really cute! Pete the cat makes me laugh because he is so adorable. The sheep looks healthy like he has plenty of wool. Now that one called the napping house stole my heart. The colors remind me of my favorite season, summer. The soft blue sky with summer rain lightly falling makes me relax; I can almost smell the rain. All the colors put together look like a French painting. I love it! -- debbie