Samantha17519's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Samantha17519's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi, Samantha - I think your art is awesome!
-- Carolyn
- on March 27, 2015
Hi, Samantha - I just wanted you to know that I think your art is awesome! (Just like you!! ??)
-- Carolyn
- on March 27, 2015
Your artwork is very thought provoking! Every time I look at your painting I see a different meaning. You are a very good artist!!!
-- Carolyn
- on March 27, 2015
Awesome job! You may give Andy Warhol a run for his money! I'm glad you're tapping into your artistic side.
-- Angie
- on October 8, 2014
Great self-portrait. It really does look like you!
-- Tammy Estep
- on October 7, 2014