Samantha17509's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Samantha17509's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love that you have this outlet for sharing your artwork....fantastic the colors and design....keep up the great work.....Love Nani Judy
-- Judy
- on February 3, 2015
So excited to see your artwork posted here....great detail and color combinations....keep up the great work.....
-- Nani Judy
- on February 3, 2015
So happy to get this message about your ARTWORK....the mask is awesome with so many details.. keep up the great work....sending love and hugs....Nani Judy
-- Judy
- on February 3, 2015
Great mask, Sami......very creative. Looking forward to seeing more of your artwork here.
-- Nanny Jane
- on February 3, 2015
Sami, Your mask is awesome! Keep up the great work! Love, Mom :)
- on January 27, 2015