Can I spend this quarter? You did such a good job! -- Sandra
- on May 19, 2017
I love your sheep. He looks so real I think he belongs in the pasture with the cows -- Sandra
- on May 19, 2017
Jackson I love your snowman! You are very artistic! -- Sandra
- on March 29, 2017
I like this picture a lot. I really like trees. You did a great job!?? -- Sandra
- on October 26, 2016
Jackson. I like this picture. I like all the colors you chose. It is pretty -- Sandra
- on October 26, 2016
Just like snowflakes-no two snowmen are just alike! Great job Jackson! -- Sandra
- on March 8, 2016
Great job! I love the detail on the cat and the tiny blue bird also has good detail. I wish I could draw birds that good. I like the colors you chose for the cat! -- Sandra
- on November 2, 2015
This flower brightens my day! Great job! -- Sandra
- on September 30, 2015
Jackson I love your rainbow caterpillar. You did a great job! I would bet That it would make a very beautiful and colorful butterfly ! You are a good a Artist! -- Sandra